Sound Important Questions and Answers

Sound Important Questions and Answers

Let us tell the students studying in class 8 that you can get the question answers of all the chapters of class 8th subjects from our website. By using these question answers, you can easily prepare for all the subjects. Therefore, today in this post,  the question answers of class 8 Science chapter 13 sound  are given. Read these question answers carefully, it will be beneficial for you. If you like the information given in these questions, then definitely share it with your friends.

Question 1: What is sound?
Answer: Sound is a form of energy that enables hearing.

Question 2: How is sound produced?
Answer: Sound is produced by vibrating objects.

Question 3: Will sound propagate in a vacuum?
Answer: No, sound needs a medium to propagate.

Question 4: Does sound propagate in gases?
Answer: Yes.

Question 5: Does sound propagate in liquids?
Answer: Yes.

Question 6: Does sound propagate in solids?
Answer: Yes.

Question 7: On what factors does the intensity of sound depend?
Answer: The intensity of sound depends on the amplitude of the vibrating object.

Question 8: If an object oscillates 10 times in one second, what is its frequency?
Answer: 10 Hz.

Question 9: In which medium does sound travel faster, wood or water?
Answer: Sound travels faster in solids than in liquids, so it travels faster in wood.

Question 10: Sound is produced when objects __________.
Answer: Sound is produced when objects vibrate.

Question 11: The number of oscillations in one second is called __________.
Answer: The number of oscillations in one second is called frequency.

Question 12: Our ears can perceive sound frequencies that are more than __________ and less than __________.
Answer: Our ears can perceive sound frequencies that are more than 20 Hz and less than 20,000 Hz.

Question 13: Name the part of the human body where sound is produced.
Answer: Larynx.

Question 14: Which property of sound helps in identifying different sounds?
Answer: The properties of sound that help in identifying different sounds are pitch and sharpness.

Question 15: What is the audible range of frequency for human ears?
Answer: 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

Question 16: Define pitch.
Answer: Pitch is the measure of the frequency of vibration of sound.

Question 17: Which has a higher frequency, a buzzing mosquito or a roaring lion?
Answer: The buzzing mosquito has a higher frequency than the roaring lion.

Question 18: Arrange the following sounds in increasing order of frequency: (i) child’s voice (ii) man’s voice (iii) woman’s voice.
Answer: Man’s voice < Woman’s voice < Child’s voice.

Question 19: How do we hear sounds?
Answer: When sound waves reach our ears, they hit the eardrum, causing it to vibrate. These vibrations are sent to the brain through small bones, allowing us to hear.

Question 20: What is the length of vocal cords in men?
Answer: Approximately 20 mm.

Question 21: What is unpleasant sound called?
Answer: Noise.

Question 22: What type of sound is produced by musical instruments?
Answer: Melodious (pleasant).

Question 23: What is the unit of sound intensity?
Answer: Decibel (dB).

Question 24: Name one musical instrument that produces melodious sound.
Answer: Harmonium/Guitar/Piano.

Question 25: What is hearing impairment?
Answer: The inability to hear sounds is called hearing impairment.

Question 26: What are the causes of hearing impairment?
Answer: Hearing diseases, injury, age, and loud noise.

Question 27: Give examples of noise.
Answer: (i) Sounds of machines in a factory (ii) Loudspeaker at high volume.

Question 28: At what unit does sound become harmful?
Answer: Above 80 dB.

Question 29: What is the main cause of noise pollution?
Answer: Vehicles.

Question 30: Which natural living things are important in reducing noise pollution?
Answer: Trees and plants.

Question 31: What is noise pollution?
Answer: Excessive and unwanted sounds in the environment are called noise pollution.

Question 32: Define amplitude, period, and frequency.
Answer: Amplitude is the maximum distance moved by a vibrating object from its mean position. Period is the time taken to complete one oscillation. Frequency is the number of oscillations per second. The unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz).

Question 33: If one astronaut speaks to another on the moon, can the other astronaut hear him?
Answer: There is no atmosphere on the moon, so astronauts cannot hear each other because sound requires a medium to travel.

Question 34: Why does the sound produced by mosquitoes differ from the roar of a lion?
Answer: The intensity of sound depends on the amplitude of the object. Mosquito sound is produced by the fluttering of wings, while the roar of a lion is produced by vocal cords in the throat. The amplitude of the sound in mosquitoes is less. Therefore, the pitch and quality of both sounds are different, making them distinguishable.

In this post you will find questions and answers related to sound, Class 8 science Chapter 13 Important Questions and Answers on Sound, Important Questions related to Sound PDF, Multiple Choice Questions and Answers of Sound lesson Class 8 science Chapter 13 Question Answer Dhwani Class 8 question answer, Class 8 Science Sound Questions and Answers, Very important questions and answers related to sound have been given in Class 8. If you find these answers useful, share them with your friends and if you want to know or ask something regarding this then make sure to ask by commenting below.

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