Some Natural Phenomena Important Question Answer

Some Natural Phenomena Important Question Answer

In any exam, many questions related to science are asked. Science is a very big subject. Therefore, in this post, we have given some important questions and answers of Class 8th Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena  . These questions and answers are asked in exams every year and these questions are also very important for your general knowledge. Therefore, remember these questions and answers well. If you like these questions and answers, then do share them with others.

Question 1: What is amber?
Answer: Amber is a type of resin.

Question 2: What happens when amber is rubbed for a long time?
Answer: A spark is produced.

Question 3: Which scientist demonstrated that lightning and spark are the same phenomenon?
Answer: American scientist Benjamin Franklin.

Question 4: What happens when a plastic ruler is rubbed on dry hair and brought near pieces of paper?
Answer: The ruler attracts the pieces of paper.

Question 5: Give some examples of charged objects.
(i) Plastic ruler rubbed on dry hair.
(ii) Plastic refill rubbed with polythene.
(iii) Balloon rubbed with woolen cloth.

Question 6: What happens when two balloons rubbed with woolen cloth are brought near each other?
Answer: They repel each other.

Question 7: Which charges attract each other?
Answer: Unlike or dissimilar charges attract each other.

Question 8: How many types of charges are there?
Answer: There are two types of charges: (1) Negative charge and (2) Positive charge.

Question 9: Why does a plastic comb rubbed on hair attract pieces of paper?
Answer: Because the comb gets charged.

Question 10: What happens when two dissimilar clouds come into contact with each other?
Answer: Lightning is produced.

Question 11: Is the human body a conductor of electricity or not?
Answer: It is a conductor of electricity.

Question 12: Why does a balloon rubbed on hair stick to the wall?
Answer: The balloon gets charged by rubbing it on hair, and this charge causes the balloon to stick to the wall.

Question 13: Why does a paper leaf spread when touched by a charged rod?
Answer: When a paper leaf is touched by a charged rod, it receives the same charge. Like charges repel each other, causing the leaves to spread apart.

Question 14: Why is it advised not to stand under a tree during a thunderstorm?
Answer: When a charged cloud passes over a tree, it induces opposite charges in the tree. This can cause lightning, which can destroy the tree and cause a fire. Hence, it is advised not to stand under a tree during a thunderstorm.

Question 15: Why are long metal rods placed from the top to the ground in tall buildings?
Answer: When a charged cloud passes near the building, it induces opposite charges on the tip of the metal rod. This charge is safely transferred to the ground through the rod, protecting the building.

Question 16: What does it mean for an object to be charged?
Answer: When objects like plastic combs or pens are rubbed against other materials, they acquire the property of attracting pieces of paper or pith balls. Such objects are said to be charged.

Question 17: What is electrical discharge?
Answer: Electrical discharge (lightning) occurs due to discharge in the air. Before thunder, a large amount of charge accumulates in the clouds. When oppositely charged clouds come close to each other, the charges move rapidly through the air, producing a bright spark known as lightning.

Question 18: What are natural phenomena?
Answer: Sudden events occurring in nature that cause widespread damage to life and property and affect human life and the environment are called natural phenomena. Examples include earthquakes, landslides, floods, droughts, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.

Question 19: What is lightning?
Answer: Lightning is produced by electrical discharge in the air. When the concentration of charges in the clouds exceeds a certain limit, electrical discharge occurs. Positive charges gather near the upper edges of the clouds, while negative charges accumulate at the lower edges. The earth also accumulates charges. When the amount of charges becomes high, even the insulating properties of air cannot prevent the flow of charges. Rapid movement of these charges between negative and positive charges heats up air particles, producing bright streaks and sound, known as lightning.

In this post we have tried to give you very important questions and their answers related to Class 8 science chapter 15 question answer, Class 8th Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena Question-Answer Some Natural Phenomena Question Answer Some Natural Phenomena Notes Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Question Answer Some Natural Phenomena Class 8. If you find these questions and answers useful, then share them with your friends and if you have any question or suggestion regarding this, then definitely tell us by commenting below.

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