Power Sharing Important Questions and Answers

Power Sharing Important Questions and Answers

We are taught about power sharing from school time. But many students do not pay attention at that time and later they face problem during exams. Today, many questions related to power sharing are asked in all competitive exams like Banking, SSC, Police, Army, Navy, Railway etc. This is also important for the students who are studying for class 10 exam. Therefore, today in this post, important questions and answers related to power sharing are given. These questions are asked in the exam every time. Therefore, read them carefully, it will be beneficial for you.

Question 1: In a democracy, what are the three branches of the government?
Answer: In a democracy, the government consists of three branches – legislature, executive, and judiciary.

Question 2: According to which principle are powers divided among the three branches of the government?
Answer: According to the principle of separation of powers.

Question 3: What is the capital of Belgium?
Answer: Brussels.

Question 4: What is the ethnic composition of Belgium?
Which linguistic communities live in Belgium?
Answer: In Belgium, 59% are Dutch-speaking, 40% are French-speaking, and 1% are German-speaking communities.

Question 5: Which communities live in Sri Lanka?
Answer: In Sri Lanka, 74% are Sinhalese, 18% are Tamil, and 7% are Christian communities.

Question 6: When did Sri Lanka become an independent nation?
Answer: In 1948.

Question 7: When did Sri Lanka declare Sinhala as the official language?
Answer: In 1956, the Sri Lankan government enacted a law declaring Sinhala as the sole official language, which led to Tamil unrest.

Question 8: Between which communities is the civil war in Sri Lanka?
Answer: Between the Sinhalese (government supporters) and Tamil (opposition to the government) communities.

Question 9: What percentage of the population of Belgium lives in the Flemish region?
Answer: 59%.

Question 10: Name one advantage of the division of powers.
Answer: It reduces the likelihood of conflicts between different social groups.

Question 11: Logical reasoning supports which aspect?
Answer: Logical reasoning supports the beneficial outcomes of an action.

Question 12: Ethical reasoning supports which aspect?
Answer: Ethical reasoning highlights the moral significance within the division of powers.

Question 13: What issue does Khalil find problematic in Lebanon’s agreements?
Answer: Khalil strongly objects to the predetermined rules stating which community the president, prime minister, and deputy prime minister will come from.

Question 14: According to the Lebanese agreements, which community is the presidency reserved for?
Answer: It is reserved for a Maronite Catholic person.

Question 15: According to the Lebanese agreements, which community is the prime ministership reserved for?
Answer: It is reserved for Sunni Muslims.

Question 16: Name a major political party in Germany.
Answer: Social Democratic Party (SPD).

Question 17: Among which four communities is power divided in Lebanon?
Answer: Among Catholic Christians, Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims, and Orthodox Christians.

Question 18: Provide an example of power division at the governance levels.
Answer: Federal government.

Question 19: Provide an example of power division based on communities.
Answer: Belgium’s power division among linguistic groups.

Question 20: In Sri Lanka, which community has the government attempted to keep policies dominant?
Answer: Sinhalese community.

Question 21: If Belgium had not established a federal government, what impact would it have on the country’s stability?
Answer: The country would face instability based on linguistic basis.

Question 22: Between 1970 and 1993, how many amendments were made to Belgium’s constitution?
Answer: Four amendments.

Question 23. What is majoritarianism? Provide an example.
Answer: Majoritarianism is the belief that if a community is in the majority, it can govern the country in its own way and may disregard the needs or desires of minority communities. Sri Lanka’s government creating laws to protect the interests of the Sinhalese community serves as an example of majoritarianism.

Question 24. What do you know about Belgium’s complex ethnic composition?
Answer: Belgium’s societal ethnic composition is highly intricate. 59% of the country’s population resides in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch. The remaining 40% live in the Walloon region, speaking French. A small 1% of the population speaks German. In Brussels, the capital, 80% speak French and 20% speak Dutch. Despite the Flemish-speaking majority, French-speaking Walloons are comparatively wealthier and more powerful.

Question 25. What do you understand from Sri Lanka’s complex ethnic composition?
Answer: Like other South Asian countries, Sri Lanka also has many ethnic groups in its population. The main social group is the Sinhalese, who constitute 74% of the total population. Then there are Tamils, who make up 18% of the total population. Within Tamils, there are two sub-groups – Sri Lankan Tamils (13%) and Indian Tamils, descendants brought from India to work in plantations during colonial times. Most Sinhalese-speaking people are Buddhists, while some Tamil-speaking people are Hindus and some are Muslims. The Christian population of Sri Lanka is 7% and they speak both Sinhala and Tamil.

Question 26. How was power-sharing arranged in Lebanon after the end of the civil war?
Answer: After the civil war, all of Lebanon’s leaders met together and agreed on some basic rules for power-sharing between different communities. These rules decided that the President of the country must be from the Maronite sect. Only Sunni Muslims could be Prime Minister. The position of Deputy Prime Minister was reserved for Orthodox Christians, and the speaker of the parliament for Shia Muslims. According to this arrangement, Christians would not ask for protection from France and Muslims would not demand unification with neighboring Syria. When this agreement was reached between Christians and Muslims, the population of both was almost equal. Later, Muslims came in clear majority, but both parties still respect that agreement.

Question 27. Why was Khalil not in favor of the partnership in power in Lebanon?
Answer: Khalil considers this agreement to be a big mistake. He is a popular person with political ambitions and can’t reach the top post because of this system. He doesn’t believe in his mother’s religion or his father’s religion, and he doesn’t really want to be associated with any religion. He does not understand why Lebanon does not function like other “normal” democracies. He says- “Just have elections, give everyone the freedom to contest elections, and whoever gets the most votes becomes President; even if he is of any community”.

Question 28. What do you understand from the Indian governance system of “Control and Balance”?
Answer: In our country, there are three organs of the government, the Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary. The real executive powers of the government are vested in the executive. In our country, the executive uses power but works under the Parliament. The appointment of the judiciary is done by the executive, but the judiciary is the one who has control over the laws made by the legislature. This system is also called “Control and Balance”.

In this post Chapter 1 Power Sharing Extra Questions satta ki sajhedari question answer Power Sharing Question Answer PDF Power Sharing in Democracy Question Power Sharing Notes Class 10 Political Science Chapter 1 Power Sharing Question Answer NCERT Class 10 Political Science Chapter – 1 Very important questions and answers have been given regarding Power Sharing. If you find these answers useful, share them with your friends and if you want to know or ask something regarding this then make sure to ask by commenting below.

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