Outcomes of Democracy Important Questions and Answers
We are taught about the consequences of democracy from school time. But many students do not pay attention at that time. And later they face problems during the exam. Today, in all the competitive exams like Banking, SSC, Police, Army, Navy, Railway etc., many questions related to the consequences of democracy are asked. This is also important for the students who are studying for class 10 Political Science exam. Therefore, today in this post, important questions and answers related to the consequences of democracy are given. These questions are asked in the exam every time. Therefore, you should read them carefully, it will be beneficial for you.
Question 1. What is democracy?
Answer: A system of governance in which the people (common citizens) play the most important role in its formation and operation.
Question 2. What is dictatorship?
Answer: A system of governance in which the government is formed and operated according to the will of one person.
Question 3. Give two points why democracy is a better form of government.
1. It promotes equality among citizens.
2. It enhances the dignity of the individual.
Question 4. Which form of government is preferred by the people of most countries in the world?
Answer: People of most countries in the world prefer democracy.
Question 5. What are the two main elements of democracy?
1. Existence of political parties.
2. Regular elections.
Question 6. Mention two drawbacks found in democratic governments.
1. This system can be slow.
2. This system can be less efficient.
Question 7. Why do people support democratic government despite many drawbacks?
Answer: Despite many drawbacks, people support democratic government because it is their own government.
Question 8. What does political equality mean in a democratic system?
Answer: Political equality in a democratic system means that every person has an equal weight in electing representatives. People are given equal status in political affairs.
Question 9. What has been the experience of democracy in terms of economic inequalities?
Answer: Democratic systems have not been very successful in reducing economic inequalities.
Question 10. What does social diversity mean?
Answer: Social diversity refers to the different rules of conduct among people from various classes, languages, and religions in society.
Question 11. How do democratic systems help in reconciling social diversity?
Answer: Democratic systems usually develop processes to handle internal conflicts, teaching people to respect differences and diversity.
Question 12. What does rule by the majority mean?
Answer: Rule by the majority means that the group influencing every decision or election cannot be defined by any religion, race, or language.
Question 13. Which card of Nannu has been lost?
Answer: Ration card.
Question 14. What percentage of national income do 20% of the people in Brazil hold?
Answer: About 63%.
Question 15. What has been the experience of democracy regarding the dignity and freedom of the individual?
Answer: Democracy is far ahead of any other form of government in terms of the dignity and freedom of the individual.
Question 16. How does the persistence of complaints indicate the success of democracy?
Answer: The persistence of complaints in democracy shows that people have become more aware and are critically evaluating the actions of those in power.
Question 17. How many countries in the world claim to run a democratic system today?
Answer: About 100 countries.
Question 18. In which neighboring country is dictatorship preferred over democracy?
Answer: Pakistan.
Question 19. In which aspect does the record of dictatorship seem better?
Answer: In terms of economic growth rate.
Question 20. In which country is the percentage of people who believe their vote makes a difference the highest?
Answer: Nepal.
Question 21. When do we blame the concept of democracy?
Answer: We blame the concept of democracy when we consider it as a remedy for every issue and expect it to solve every problem. When some expectations are not met, we tend to blame the concept of democracy itself.
Question 22. How does democracy provide a responsible government?
Answer: In democracy, the government is formed by the election of representatives by the common people. Therefore, the government is accountable to the public for every action. If the government does not care for the public, the public has the option to overthrow it in the next election.
Question 23. How does democracy provide an accountable government?
Answer: In democracy, all decisions are taken according to rules and laws. People have the right to know the rules and laws according to which any decision has been made.
Question 24. How does democracy provide a legitimate government?
Answer: Democratic governance is undoubtedly better than other forms of governance – it is a legitimate system. Although it can be slow, inefficient, and corrupt, and may overlook some public needs, democratic governance is the people’s own system. Hence, there is a general support for the idea of democracy worldwide.
Question 25. Explain the meaning of democracy.
Answer: In modern times, democracy means that all adult citizens have the right to participate in governance. It is the rule of the people, by the people, and for the people. In modern democracy, there is no distinction between master and servant, rich and poor. Every individual has equal rights regardless of color, caste, religion, and position. Democracy is considered successful when people enjoy political rights along with social and economic equality.
In this post, Class 10 loktantrik rajniti chapter 7 question answer Results of democracy Question Answer Results of democracy Class 10 Notes Results of democracy Class 10 Chapter 7 Imp. Questions loktantrik rajniti question answer Very important questions and answers have been given regarding the results of democracy. If you find these answers useful, then share them with your friends and if you want to know or ask something about this, then make sure to ask by commenting below.