Microorganisms Friend and Foe Important Question Answer

Microorganisms Friend and Foe Important Question Answer

For students who want to score good marks in class 8 Science subject examinations, important questions and answers of Microorganisms Friend and Enemy  are given here for their preparation. With the information of these important questions and answers, you can prepare well for the class 8 examination. Questions and answers related to Microorganisms Friend and Enemy are taught to us under Science. For students who are looking for information related to the Microorganisms Friend and Enemy lesson, in this post, important questions and their answers related to class 8 Microorganisms Friend and Enemy are given, which have been asked in the exam earlier also.

Question 1. Name two nitrogen-fixing algae.
Answer: Nostoc and Anabaena.

Question 2. What are the two main classes of fungi?
Answer: Yeast and Moulds.

Question 3. Define a microscope.
Answer: A microscope is an optical instrument used to view very small organisms and microorganisms.

Question 4. Which microorganisms are present at the boundary of living and non-living?
Answer: Viruses.

Question 5. Name any four antibiotics.
Answer: (i) Penicillin, (ii) Streptomycin, (iii) Tetracycline, (iv) Gramicidin.

Question 6. What are microorganisms?
Answer: Microorganisms are small organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Question 7. Are all microorganisms the same size?
Answer: No, all microorganisms are not the same size.

Question 8. Name the main classes of microorganisms.
Answer: The main classes of microorganisms are (i) Bacteria, (ii) Fungi, (iii) Protozoa, (iv) Algae, (v) Viruses.

Question 9. Give examples of slow-growing microorganisms.
Answer: (i) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (ii) Mycobacterium leprae.

Question 10. Give examples of fast-growing microorganisms.
Answer: (i) Pseudomonas (ii) Entamoeba coli.

Question 11. What are the two classes of fungi?
Answer: The two main classes of fungi are (i) Yeast (ii) Moulds.

Question 12. In which class of microorganisms does Amoeba belong?
Answer: Amoeba belongs to the class Protozoa.

Question 13. Name the diseases spread by bacteria.
Answer: Diseases spread by bacteria are (i) Poliomyelitis, (ii) Dysentery, (iii) Cold and fever, (iv) Flu (Influenza), (v) Measles.

Question 14. What are pathogenic microorganisms?
Answer: Pathogenic microorganisms are those that cause diseases in humans, plants, and animals.

Question 15. Where do microorganisms live in animals’ bodies?
Answer: Microorganisms live in the nose, throat, mouth, and digestive tract of animals.

Question 16. Who first saw bacteria and when?
Answer: Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1675.

Question 17. What is the average size of a bacterium?
Answer: 1.25 μm (1 μm = 1/1000 mm) in diameter.

Question 18. Which is the smallest bacterium?
Answer: The smallest bacterium is a rod-shaped bacterium with a size of 0.15 mm.

Question 19. Name the largest bacterium.
Answer: The largest bacterium is the spiral bacterium, which is 15 mm long and 1.5 μm in diameter.

Question 20. Give two examples of bacteria.
Answer: Lactobacillus, Pseudomonas.

Question 21. Give an example of blue-green algae.
Answer: Nostoc, Anabaena, Oscillatoria.

Question 22. Why are blue-green algae used as fertilizers?
Answer: They convert atmospheric nitrogen into beneficial compounds.

Question 23. How much nitrogen do blue-green algae fix in a rice field per year?
Answer: Approximately 625 kg of nitrogen per square kilometer.

Question 24. Name three diatoms.
Answer: Pinnularia, Cyclotella, Navicula.

Question 25. Give examples of fungi grown along roadsides.
Answer: Mushroom, Puffballs, Toad balls.

Question 26. Name the microorganism resistant to antibiotics.
Answer: Mycoplasma.

Question 27. What do yeast produce in the fermentation process?
Answer: Ethyl alcohol and a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Question 28. Why are antibiotics ineffective against viruses?
Answer: Because viruses do not have their own metabolism.

Question 29. Name some diseases spread by viruses.
Answer: Rabies, Polio, Smallpox, Common cold, Influenza, AIDS, Tobacco and Potato mosaic.

Question 30. Which algae are used as food?
Answer: Red algae Porphyra.

Question 31. Who is the father of bacteriology?
Answer: Louis Pasteur.

Question 32. Who first saw bacteria under a microscope?
Answer: Anton van Leeuwenhoek.

Question 33. Name three diseases spread by bacteria.
Answer: Typhoid, Cholera, Tuberculosis (TB).

Question 34. Name three diseases spread by protozoa.
Answer: Malaria, Dysentery, Kala-azar.

Question 35. Name the microorganism and class that converts milk into curd.
Answer: Lactobacillus – Bacteria.

Question 36. What are the sources of agar?
Answer: Red algae.

Question 37. Name the protozoan that spreads malaria.
Answer: Plasmodium vivax.

Question 38. Give three examples of protozoa.
Answer: Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena.

Question 39. Write a difference between algae and fungi.
Answer: Algae are autotrophic while fungi are heterotrophic.

Question 40. Which microorganisms are used in making bread and alcohol?
Answer: Yeast.

In this post we have given you complete information related to Microorganisms: Friends and Enemies Question Answer Class 8 Science Chapter 2 Question Answer, Class 8 Science Chapter 2 Question Answers, sukshm jiv mitra avum shatru question answer Class 8 Science Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friends and Enemies Question Answer Microorganisms: Friends and Enemies notes. If you have any question or suggestion regarding this, then definitely ask us by commenting below and if you find this information useful, then definitely share it with your friends.

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