Materials Metals and Non metals Questions and Answers
In any exam, many questions related to science are asked. Science is a very big subject. Therefore, in this post, we have given some important questions and answers of Class 8th Science Chapter 4 Substances: Metals and Nonmetals . These questions and answers are asked in exams every year and these questions are also very important for your general knowledge. Therefore, remember these questions and answers well. If you like these questions and answers, then do share them with others.
Question 1. Name the property of metals that allows them to be beaten into sheets.
Answer: Malleability.
Question 2. What is ductility?
Answer: The property of a metal that allows it to be drawn into wires.
Question 3. Name the most ductile metal.
Answer: Silver.
Question 4. Name the metal that is found in liquid form.
Answer: Mercury.
Question 5. Name the metal that is a poor conductor of electricity.
Answer: Lead.
Question 6. Which substance is used in thermometers?
Answer: Mercury.
Question 7. Name the metal and non-metal that are liquid at room temperature.
Answer: Metal – Mercury; Non-metal – Bromine.
Question 8. List two properties of metals.
Answer: (i) Malleability (ii) Ductility.
Question 9. Name two metals that are good conductors of both electricity and heat.
Answer: Copper and aluminum are good conductors of both heat and electricity.
Question 10. Name three metals that are found in their free state.
Answer: (1) Silver (2) Gold (3) Platinum.
Question 11. Name two metals that can be easily cut.
Answer: Sodium and potassium.
Question 12. Due to which property can metal wires be drawn?
Answer: Ductility.
Question 13. Which metals are used to make electrical wires?
Answer: Copper and aluminum.
Question 14. Which metal is a component of hemoglobin?
Answer: Iron.
Question 15. Write the chemical equation for the reaction of iron and oxygen.
Answer: 4Fe + 3O2→ 2Fe2O3
Iron + Oxygen → Iron Oxide.
Question 16. Write the chemical equation for the reaction of zinc with oxygen.
Answer: 2Zn + O2 → 2ZnO
Zinc + Oxygen → Zinc Oxide.
Question 17. Silver, Copper, Lead, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, and Sodium.
(a) Which of the above metals is kept in kerosene?
(b) Which metal reacts with cold water?
(c) Which gases are produced when metals react with cold water?
(d) Which metal reacts with oxygen upon heating?
(e) Which metal turns black in the presence of hydrogen sulfide (H₂S)?
(f) Which metal burns with a bright flame in oxygen?
(a) Sodium.
(b) Sodium and Magnesium.
(c) Hydrogen.
(d) Magnesium.
(e) Silver.
(f) Magnesium.
Question 18. Name five metals used in daily life.
(1) Aluminum
(2) Iron
(3) Copper
(4) Zinc
(5) Tin.
Question 19. Name five metals used in industry.
(i) Aluminum
(ii) Iron
(iii) Copper
(iv) Nickel
(v) Zinc.
Question 20. Why are sodium, zinc, magnesium, and aluminum not found in their free state?
Answer: Because they are reactive with air, water, and acids.
Question 21. Name two metals that are not reactive with air, water, and acids.
Answer: Gold and platinum.
Question 22. What property makes metals useful in jewelry?
Answer: Metallic luster.
Question 23. What is the color of copper metal?
Answer: Brown-red.
Question 24. Which metal among iron, copper, and magnesium can be easily cut?
Answer: Magnesium.
Question 25. Write a chemical property to distinguish between metals and non-metals.
Answer: Metals react with oxygen to form basic oxides, while non-metals form acidic oxides. This property can be used to differentiate metals from non-metals.
Question 26. Write a chemical property to distinguish between metals and non-metals.
Answer: Metals react with oxygen to form basic oxides, while non-metals form acidic oxides. This property can be used to differentiate metals from non-metals.
Question 27. Why are pickles, chutneys, and citrus fruits not stored in iron and aluminum containers?
Answer: Because some food items like citrus fruits, pickles, chutneys, and curd contain acids that react with iron and aluminum containers to form toxic substances. Hence, iron and aluminum containers are not used for storing pickles, chutneys, etc.
In this post we have tried to give you all the important questions and answers related to metals and non-metals. Class 8 Science chapter 4 question answer, Class 8 Science chapter 4 practice question answer Metal & Non-metal Class 8 Science Question Answer. If you find these questions and answers useful, then share them with your friends and if you have any question or suggestion regarding this, then definitely tell us by commenting below.