KVS TGT Question Paper 2018 PDF Download In Hindi

KVS TGT Question Paper 2018 PDF Download In Hindi

केवीएस टीजीटी प्रश्न पत्र 2018 पीडीएफ डाउनलोड करें| KVS PRT Question Paper 2018 Download Free PDF – जो विद्यार्थी KVS TGT परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे है ,तो उन्हें KVS TGT से संबंधित जानकारी होना बहुत आवश्यक है .इसलिए आज इस पोस्ट में KVS TGT Exam Paper 2018 KVS TGT Question Paper दिया गया है .इस पेपर में जो प्रश्न वह पहले भी केवीएस टीजीटी परीक्षा में आ चुके है और आगे भी आएँगे .इसलिए आप इस पेपर को अच्छे से याद करे ,यह आपकी KVS TGT की परीक्षा के लिए फायदेमंद होंगे .अगर आप KVS TGT 2018 Paper PDFडाउनलोड करना चाहते है तो नीचे दिए गए लिंक से डाउनलोड कर सकते है

Improve the underlined phrase, if necessary, with the help of given options. If I had not told you, You will not know the truth.
(A) You cannot know
(B) You would not be knowing
(C) You have known not
(D) You would not have known
You would not have known
Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the underlined word. A number of tenants have been evicted for not paying the rent.
(A) pardoned
(B) sent out
(C) excused
(D) thrown out
thrown out
Complete the sentence given below by choosing the correct form of verb from options that follow. Jim came yesterday. I do not know whether he ________ today.
(A) came today.
(B) will be coming
(C) will have come
(D) shall come
will be coming
Improve the underlined phrase, if necessary, with the help of given options. George was laid to a rest beside his parents.
(A) lied in rest
(B) laid to rest
(C) lay in rest
(D) lied to rest
laid to rest
Identify the phrase in the following sentence that may be erroneous.
(A) the training programme
(B) takes a form of
(C) a series of workshops
(D) for the LDCs and UDCS
takes a form of
Choose the expression that best describes the word HOODLUM.
(A) a neighbour who is rather nosey
(B) a way-side hawker
(C) a violent criminal
(D) a student who hoots and shouts
a violent criminal
Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word DUSKY
(A) sharp
(B) bright
(C) wild
(D) near
Choose the expression that best describes the word FALLIBLE.
(A) able to concoct stories
(B) that which can be felled easily
(C) able to stitch pieces together
(D) apt to make mistakes or go wrong
apt to make mistakes or go wrong
Complete the sentence given below by using the correct form of the verb from the options that follow. I do not bother much about money. I ________ about it all my life.
(A) have never bothered
(B) bothered
(C) don’t bother
(D) will ever bother
have never bothered
जिस संज्ञा से पदार्थ में पाए जाने वाले किसी धर्म का बोध होता है, उसे क्या कहते हैं?
(A) व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा
(B) वस्तुवाचक संज्ञा
(C) भाववाचक संज्ञा
भाववाचक संज्ञा
निम्नलिखित में से कौन – सा युग्म असंगत है ?
(A) अन्न – जल
(B) आचार – खाना
(C) पीना
(D) जातिवाचक संज्ञा
(D) नोन – तेल
‘जलपिपासु’ शब्द में कौन-सा समास है? विचार
(A) द्वन्द्व
(B) द्विगु
(C) तत्पुरुष
(D) बहुब्रीहि
‘एक तो करेला दूजे नीम चढ़ा’ – इस लोकोक्ति के सटीक अर्थ को दिए गए विकल्पों में से चयन कीजिए :
(A) करेले की बेल का नीम के वृक्ष पर चढ़ना
(B) करेले और नीम का संयोग स्वास्थ्य के लिए हितकर होना
(C) करेले और नीम का रस मिलाना
(D) एक साथ दो या कई दुर्गुणों का होना
एक साथ दो या कई दुर्गुणों का होना
‘वाक्यं रसात्मकं काव्यम्’ अर्थात् रसात्मक वाक्य ही काव्य है । – काव्यलक्षण के विषय में यह कथन किस आचार्य का है?
(A) भामह
(B) पंडित राज जगन्नाथ
(C) विश्वनाथ
(D) मम्मट
निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा शब्द अर्धतत्सम है ?
(A) आखर
(B) अच्छर
(C) अक्षर
(D) अक्ख
निम्नलिखित में से ‘कामायनी’ का काव्य रूप क्या माना जाता है?
(A) खण्डकाव्य
(C) एकार्थकाव्य
(B) चरितकाव्य
(D) महाकाव्य
‘तपोवन’ शब्द में कौन-सी संधि है ?
(B) स्वर व्यंजन संधि
(A) विसर्ग संधि
(C) व्यंजन संधि
(D) स्वर संधि
स्वर व्यंजन संधि
खड़ी बोली हिन्दी की किस उपभाषा के अन्तर्गत आती है?
(A) बिहारी हिन्दी
(B) पश्चिमी हिन्दी
(C) पहाड़ी हिन्दी
(D) पूर्वी हिन्दी
पश्चिमी हिन्दी
उस मूल ध्वनि को, जिसके खंड न हो सकें – उसे क्या कहते हैं?
(A) शब्द
(B) वर्ण
(C) प्रत्यय
(D) कृदन्त
Who among the following was recently named as “Best Sports Person of India” by the ‘Kolkata Sports Journalists’ Club?
(A) Aroon Ghosh
(B) Safiqui Mondol
(C) Arun Lal
(D) Sunil Chhetri
Sunil Chhetri
Which of the following agency published the ‘World Happiness Report’?
(C) United Nations
(D) The World Bank
United Nations
Which of the following was the first site where Indus Valley Civilization was discovered?
(A) Amri
(B) Kotdiji
(C) Harappa
(D) Mohenjodaro
What is the total geographical area of Seshachalam biosphere reserve?
(A) 3000.6 km2
(B) 765.6 km2
(C) 4755.9 km2
(D) 5520.2 km2
4755.9 km2
‘SASHAKT’ is a programme launched by the Government of India in July 2018:
(A) for the resolution of stressed assets with PSU Banks
(B) to provide institutional Credit to marginal farmers in rural areas
(C) to empower women in rural areas
(D) to ensure Community participation in development projects
for the resolution of stressed assets with PSU Banks
Who is the Chairman of Fifteenth Finance Commission?
(A) Ramesh Chand
(B) N.K. Singh
(C) Y.V. Reddy
(D) Ashok Lahiri
N.K. Singh
Under Koeppen’s scheme of classification of climate, which of the following characteristic refers ‘Warm Temperate’?
(A) Average temperature of the coldest month is 18°C or higher.
(B) The average temperature of the coldest month of the (mid-latitude) climate years is higher than minus 3°C but below 18°C.
(C) Potential Evaporation exceeds precipi- tation.
(D) Average temperature for all months is below 10°C.
Average temperature for all months is below 10°C.
Which of the following Indigenous people live in the steppes of Russia?
(A) Tvareg
(B) Kirghiz
(C) Bushmen
(D) Masai
Who was the Chairperson of the expert Committee set up for formulating a Green National Accounting (GNA) System in 2015?
(A) Partha Dasgupta
(B) Amartya Sen
(C) Kaushik Basu
(D) Ashok Gulati
Amartya Sen
Below sea level paddy farming is practised at which of the following places?
(A) Thanjavur
(B) Kuttanad
(C) Mangalore
(D) The Ziro Valley
33. In which of the following geographical regions Al-Biruni was born in 973?
(A) Tajikistan
(B) Uzbekistan
(C) Turkmenistan
(D) Afghanistan
Which one of the following types of climate is experienced in the mountaineous region of Himalayas, Andes and Alps?
(A) Polar Climate
(B) The High lands Climate
(C) Tropical Climate
(D) Humid Micro-thermal Climate
The High lands Climate
Who is known as the Architect of Indian Planning?
(A) Sukhamoy Chakravarty
(B) P.C Mahalanobis
(C) K.N. Raj
(D) John Matthai
P.C Mahalanobis
Which of the following statements refers ‘Endemic Species’?
(A) Species which are not found after searches of known or likely areas where they may occur.
(B) Species with small population may move into the endangered/vulnerable category if the negative factors affecting them continue to operate.
(C) Species which are only found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical barriers.
(D) Species whose population has declined to levels from where it is likely to move into the endangered category in the near future if the negative factors continue to operate.
Species which are only found in some particular areas usually isolated by natural or geographical barriers.

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