What is the basic reason for studying the individual pupil?
(A) To help develop the potentialities and identify his weaknesses.(B) To find out what one has learned, hence start instruction at that point.
(C) To keep update in respect of educational theory and practice.
(D) To place him homogeneously, hence facilitate educational administration.
The most common model a child selects to guide his life is:
(A) a parent, a teacher or a person in authority(B) a person whose conduct approaches perfection
(C) a person who approximates the child’s self ideal
(D) an older sibling
Which of the following is not true about teaching?
(A) Teaching involves the intention that some one must learn something(B) Teaching is characterized by a special relationship between the teacher and the taught
(C) Teaching is necessary but not a sufficient condition of education
(D) As a result of teaching the students must learn
Joyce and Weil (1980) classified different teaching models into four distinct family. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
(A) Personal family(B) Eclectic learning family
(C) Behaviour modification family
(D) Information processing family
Which of the following is an example of a Specific Learning Disability?
(A) Dyslexia(B) ADHD
(C) Autistic Spectrum Disorders
(D) Mental retardation
Integrated education for the disabled implies:
(A) providing them education along with normal children from the beginning(B) only special teachers to teach such children
(C) part schooling in special schools and then part in normal schools
(D) admitting disabled children in special school pertaining to their abilities
The basic ideal of a democratic society is:
(A) belief in the opinions of the leader(B) respect for the enlightened individual
(C) frequent criticism of whatever one thinks as wrong
(D) powerful leadership
A type of grading that asserts fixed proportion of learners at different grade points is known as:
(A) Indirect grading(B) Relative grading
(C) Absolute grading
(D) Direct grading
Three of the following are essential for teachers to do if schools are to fulfil the expectations of the society. Which one is not?
(A) They must make the school a replica of adult society(B) They must know the cultural heritage of students
(C) They must relate school activities to cultural patterns
(D) They must record and guide behaviour in social interaction
Preparation of a test according to test specifications in the blue print mostly enhances:
(A) content validity(B) concurrent validity
(C) construct validity
(D) reliability
The most important function of the teacher is to:
(A) provide remedial help wherever needed(B) provide effective teaching
(C) maintain order and discipline in the class
(D) guide pupils growth
Social development is essentially a matter of:
(A) Achievement of social security and acceptance.(B) The integration of one’s purposes with those of the social order.
(C) The development of social skills.
(D) Conformity to the demands of the social order.
For learning to be effective, a goal must be meaningful in terms of:
(A) The intellectual ideas involved(B) The learner’s needs and purposes
(C) The standard of the school
(D) The curricular objectives
Which of the following best describes the extent of the effect of heredity upon development?
(A) Heredity is the primary determinant of how far we will go(B) Heredity determines how far we can go
(C) Heredity determines how far we will go
(D) Heredity is the primary determinant of how far we can go
When school children become mischievous, explosive, rebellious, or apathetic, the teacher should first look into:
(A) the appropriateness of the work assigned and the demands made on them(B) the sociometric structure of the class
(C) the undermining influence of home and community
(D) the atmosphere of the home which the child comes from
Micro-teaching is:
(A) providing detailed explanation of concepts and principles(B) practising different teaching skills separately
(C) teaching micro-concepts of the subject
(D) teaching at micro level
As to the question of values:
(A) The pragmatist and the idealist derive their values from sources out side of man(B) The idealist and realist both obtain their values from intuition and reason
(C) The pragmatist and the realist reject supernaturalism as a satisfactory source of values
(D) The realist and idealist both obtain their values from man’s experiences
Cumulative frequency graph is known as:
(A) Pie-diagram(B) Histogram
(C) Bar diagram
(D) Ogive
Which one of the following is often true about mental retardation?
(A) Chronic infection and diseases of the mother may cause mental retardation in the child(B) The children of extremely poor families are bound to be mentally retarded
(C) Almost all types of physical injuries and trauma may cause mental retardation
(D) The parents of mentally retarded children are usually mentally retarded
Objectives of education are not helpful in:
(A) selecting instructional material(B) designing learning experiences
(C) preparing evaluation tools
(D) understanding child development
Research studies reveal that indoctrinating children in religious creeds and ideology:
(A) resulted in 60% increase in socially approved behaviour(B) produced a drastic reduction in crimes
(C) resulted in a significant decrease in socially approved behaviour
(D) made no significant increase in socially approved behaviour
The lecture method would be most appropriate when used to:
(A) develop interest and supplement the text(B) ensure complete coverage of material
(C) teach controversial topics
(D) hold the attention of the unruly class
The chief “selling point” of the essay examination is its:
(A) High diagnostic value(B) High reliability
(C) Ability to measure skill in summarising and organising
(D) High validity
Which of the following statements concerning the validity and reliability of a test is most accurate?
(A) A test cannot be valid unless it is objective(B) A test cannot be reliable unless it is valid
(C) A test cannot be reliable unless it is standardized
(D) A test cannot be valid unless it is reliable
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