KVS PGT Physics Free Online Mock Test 2023

76. For a light of given wavelength, rotation of plane of polarisation by an optically active substance is
(A) directly proportional to the length of optically active substance
(B) directly proportional to the area of optically active substance
(C) inversely proportional to the length of optically active substance
(D) depending only on nature of optically active substance
inversely proportional to the length of optically active substance
77. A galvanometer having 20 divisions on its scale and resistance of 50 ohms, when joined in series to a 1.5 volt cell through a resistance of 100 ohms, gives full scale deflection. Figure of merit of galvanometer is:
(A) 0.5 mA/div
(B) 0.05 mA/div
(C) 0.2 mA/div
(D) 0.02 mA/div
0.5 mA/div
78. Tuning fork A of frequency 384 Hz gives 6 beats per second when sounded with another tuning fork B. On loading B with a little wax, the number of beats per second becomes 4. Frequency of B is:
(A) 390 Hz
(B) 388 Hz
(C) 378 Hz
(D) 380 Hz
390 Hz
79. Frequency of a photon of energy 1.32 1018 joule will be:
(A) 2 × 1018 hertz
(B) 5 × 1013 hertz
(C) 2.5 x 105 hertz
(D) 55 x 1014 hertz
2 × 1018 hertz
80. Wave equation for displacement of a particle at any time t is y = 0.1 sin 100 π (t + 0.005) metre. Displacement of the particle at the time of beginning of motion is:
(A) 0.01 metre
(B) 0.1 metre
(C) 0.05 metre
(D) 05 metre
0.01 metre
81. An astronomical telescope is constructed by two convex lenses, focal lengths 100 cm and 5 cm respectively. When it is used to see for away object, then final image is formed at a distance of 25 cm from eye lens. Magnifying power of instrument is:
(A) 12
(B) 24
(C) 30
(D) 22
82. For flint glass, refractive indices of violet, yellow and red colours are 1.632,1.620 and 1.613 respectively. Dispersive power for the material of glass is:
(A) 0.0306
(B) 0.030
(C) 0.0106
(D) 0.0191
83. Ratio of gravitational potentials, at the centre of solid sphere and at surface of solid sphere, is:
(A) 1/2:1
(B) 1:1
(C) 3/2:1
(D) 2:1
84. Two bodies A and B at temperature 427°C and 227°C respectively, are kept in an evacuated vessel at 27°C. Ratio of rates at which heat is lost from A and B is:
(A) 4.26: 1
(B) 6.24:1
(C) 5.26: 1
(D) 0.42:1
5.26: 1
85. For emission of maximum radiation, the ratio of wavelengths of two stars A and B is 4:5. If temperature of star B is 6800 K, then temperature of star A will be:
(A) 8500 K
(B) 7500 K
(C) 7200 K
(D) 8550 K
8500 K
86. Intensities of two waves are in the ratio 9:1. If these two waves perform the phenomenon of interference, ratio of maximum and minimum intensities will be:
(A) 10: 8
(B) 9:1
(C) 4:1
(D) 2:1
87. One drop of mercury, radius = 1.0 millimetre, breaks up into 27 droplets of equal volume. Amount of work done is (surface tension of mercury = 0.032 N/m):
(A) 8.04 × 10-6 joule
(B) 80.4 × 10-6 joule
(C) 8.04 × 10-7 joule
(D) 1.8 × 10-5 joule
8.04 × 10-7 joule
88. The dimensional formula for absolute permeability of vaccum is:

(A) [MLT-2A-2]

(B) [M-1L-1T2A2]

(C) [M1LT-2A-2]

(D) [MLT-2A2]

89. In Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom, an electron revolves round the nucleus in circular path of radius 0.5 Å at the frequency of 5 × 10 15 rotations/sec. Value of dipole moment is:
(A) 2 × 10-12 ampere-metre2
(B) 2π× 10-24 ampere-metre2
(C) 4 x 10-24 ampere-metre2
(D) 4π x 10-12 ampere-metre2
2π× 10-24 ampere-metre2
90. Minimum wavelength of X-rays produced from X-ray tube depends on:
(A) shape of target
(B) current in the tube
(C) potential difference applied across the tube
(D) nature of gas filled in the tube
potential difference applied across the tube
91. The ray reflected at the surface of glass will be highly polarised, when incident at glass surface at an angle:
(A) 67°
(B) 47°
(C) 57°
(D) 37°
92. Work function of a metal is 4.5 eV. Radiation of wavelength 220 Å is incident at its surface. Kinetic energy of the maximum velocity photoelectron emitted from the surface of metal will be:
(1 eV = 1.6 x 10-9 joule)
(1 Å = 10>-10 metre)
(h = 6.6 x 10-34 joule-see)
(A) 1.8 × 10>sup>-19joule
(B) 0.18 × 10>sup>-19joule
(C) 18.0 × 10>sup>-19joule
(D) 8.1 × 10>sup>-19joule
18.0 × 10>sup>-19joule
93. At temperature 50°C certain mass of a gas is compressed adiabatically, so that its volume becomes one- fourth of initial volume. Final temperature of the gas will be (ץ = 1.5):
(A) 373 K
(B) 200 K
(C) 300 K
(D) 646 K
646 K
94. The slope of the characteristic curve of a diode is 2 x 10-2 mA/V. The plate resistance of the diode will be:
(A) 500 ΚΩ
(B) 100 ΚΩ
(C) 10 KΩ
(D) 50 kQ
50 kQ
95. A step-up transformer operating 220 volts supply, gives current of 2 amperes to a load. The ratio of turns in primary and secondary coil is 25. Suppose efficiency of transformer is 100%. Current in the primary coil will be:
(A) 25 amperes
(B) 0.08 ampere
(C) 12.5 amperes
(D) 50 amperes
50 amperes
96. Mean free path of a molecule of gas at pressure P and temperature T is 2 × 10-5 cm. At pressure P × 10-6 and temperature T, the mean path of the same molecule of gas will be:
(A) 2 cm
(B) 20 cm
(C) 3 cm
(D) 10 cm
20 cm
97. Critical temperature of carbon dioxide gas is 31°C. If gas obeys van der Waals equation of state, the Boyle temperature will be:
(A) 1026°C
(B) 753°C
(C) 300°C
(D) 500°C
98. The value of objective aperture of a telescope, which may just resolve two stars having angular separation 4.88 x 10-6 radian in light of wavelength 6000 Å, is:
(A) 15 cm
(B) 1.5 cm
(C) 25 cm
(D) 2.5 cm
15 cm
99. 50 amperes current is flowing in a copper wire of diameter 0.5 × 10−2 metre. Magnetic field intensity at the surface of wire is:
(A) 4 × 10-3 tesla
(B) 4 x 10-3 gauss
(C) 4 x 103 tesla
(D) 4 x 103 gauss
4 × 10-3 tesla
100. A whistle producing sound of 450 hertz approaching towards stationary observer with the speed of 33 metres/sec. Velocity of sound in air is 330 m/sec. The apparent frequency in hertz of the whistle as heard by the observer is:
(A) 429
(B) 409
(C) 517
(D) 500

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