51. Motives are classified as:
(A) natural and artificial(B) less important and more importan
(C) inborn and acquired
(D) motives and incentives
52. In process of learning, ‘Transfer of learning’ can be:
(A) positive(B) negative
(C) zero
(D) All of these
53. Which of the following schools emphasized on learning by insight?
(A) Psycho analytical theory(B) Behaviourism
(C) Connectionism
(D) Gestalt theory
54. Which psychologist used non-sense syllables as a material of learining?
(A) William James(B) Skinner
(C) Ebbinghaus
(D) Bartelt
55. The laws of learning are given by
(A) Pavlov(B) Skinner
(C) Thorndike
(D) Kohler
56. Learning is:
(A) a change in behaviour(B) the result of experience or practic
(C) relatively permanent change in behaviour
(D) All of the above
57. Physical growth and development is called:
(A) readiness(B) maturation
(C) mobility
(D) heredity
58. ‘Thinking is a mental activity in its cognitive aspect’. This statement is given by
(A) Dewey(B) Guilford
(C) Cruze
(D) Ross
59. On the basis of Child Psychology, which statement is appropriate?
(A) All the children are homogeneous(B) Some children are homogeneous.
(C) Some children are unique.
(D) Every child is unique.
60. The central focus of Chillsychology is:
(A) good teacher(B) child
(C) teaching process
(D) school
61. Characteristics of good memory are:
(A) rapid recall(B) rapid recognition
(C) good retention
(D) All of these
62. The literal meaning of emotion is:
(A) aggression and fear(B) affection and love
(C) excitement of disturbance in feeling
(D) None of the above
63. First stage to learn skill is:
(A) reality(B) imagination
(C) co-ordination
(D) imitation
64. The concept of mental age is introduced by.
(A) Thorndike(B) Guilford
(C) Spearman
(D) Binet-Simon
65. A good teaching method for infancy stage is:
(A) Montessory method(B) Playway method
(C) Kindergarten method
(D) All of the above
66. In child development:
(A) emphasis is on process(B) emphasis is on the role of environmentand experience
(C) it is study from conception to adolescence
(D) All of the above
67. Scope of study of child development is
(A) study of different stages of child development(B) study of effects of environment on child development
(C) study of individual differences
(D) All of the above
68. Survival of the fittest is theprinciple of:
(A) Lamarck(B) Harrison
(C) Darwin
(D) McDougall
69. Binet-Simon tests measure:
(A) general intelligence(B) specific intelligence
(C) attitude
(D) aptitude
70. Factors influencing the emotional development are:
(A) physical health(B) mental abilities
(C) fatigue
(D) All of the above PHYSICS
71. The plate resistance of a triode value is 3000 ohms and its mutual conductance is 2.5 milli-amp/volt. The amplification factor of triode wil be:
(A) 7 × 10-3(B) 0.75
(C) 5 x 106
(D) 7.5
72. The temperature, at which root mean square velocity of oxygen molecules at 73°C is equal to the velocity of hydrogen molecules, is:
(A) 173°C(B) 2927°C
(C) 163°C
(D) 3000°C
73. 1000 gram ice of 0°C is converted into water at the same temperature, the change in entropy is (latent heat of ice = 80 cal/gm):
(A) 32.2 cal/k(B) 31.2 cal/k
(C) 293 cal/k
(D) 29.3 cal/k
74. Nicol prism is used:
(A) only for the analysis of polarised light(B) only for the production of polarised light
(C) only to change the nature of light
(D) for the production and analysis of polarised light
75. A steel wire of length 25 cm and radius 10-3 meter is twisted by 45°. If modulus of rigidity of steel is 8 x 1010 N/m2, the work done is:
(A) 0.15 joule(B) 1.15 joule
(C) 11.5 joule
(D) 0.12 joule