Regur soils in India are maximum found in which of the following states?
(A) Odisha(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Maharashtra
On a standard False Colour Composite (FCC), the built up area is represented by which one of the following colours?
(A) Magenta(B) Black
(C) Blue
(D) Cyan
Identify the third most densest planet of the solar system:
(A) Mars(B) Earth
(C) Mercury
(D) Venus
The Nebular Hypothesis about the origin of the Earth was propounded by whom?
(A) Sir James Jeans and Harrold Jeffrey(B) Simon Pierre Laplace
(C) Immanual Kant
(D) Otto Schmidt
Which one of the following options is correct about the location of India on the globe?
(A) Eastern and Northern Hemisphere(B) Northern Hemisphere
(C) Northern and Western Hemisphere
(D) Eastern Hemisphere
When the Kisan call centres were established?
(A) 2002(B) 2004
(C) 2003
(D) 2005
When sedimentary rocks come under the contact of very high temperature and pressure conditions, what would be the result?
(A) Magma generation(B) Remains sedimentary rock
(C) Igneous rock formation
(D) Metamorphic rock formation
Aircraft, machine tools, telephones and Bharat Electronics are industrial landmarks of which one of the following industrial regions?
(A) Vishakhapatnam – Gunture Region(B) Gujarat Industrial Region
(C) Gurgaon Delhi – Meerut Region
(D) Bengaluru Chennai Industrial Region
The concept of ‘Economic Rent’ agriculture landscape was first given by ________.
(A) Von Thunen(B) Weber
(C) Isard
(D) Losch
As per census of India, how many categories of Urban settlements are classified?
(A) 6(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 3
Which one of the following is not a process of chemical weathering?
(A) Solution(B) Exfoliation
(C) Carbonation
(D) Hydration
Nomadic herding is one of the most important activities of man in which of the following countries?
(A) Sudan(B) France
(C) Japan
(D) Singapore
Which one of the following resources is non- renewable resource?
(A) Hydro-electricity(B) Forests
(C) Minerals
(D) Fisheries
Which one of the following gases is responsible for depletion of ozone layer?
(A) Chloro-Fluro-Carbon (CFC)(B) Oxygen
(C) Nitrogen Oxide
(D) Nitrogen
Cyclones are known by the name of Willie- Willie in which of the following countries?
(A) Australia(B) West Indies
(C) Argentina
(D) U.S.A.
What would be the local time of a place situated at 15° E longitude, if its GMT is 10:00 A.M.?
(A) 10 : 30 A.M.(B) 11 : 30 A.M.
(C) 10 : 00 A.M.
(D) 11 : 00 A.M.
Which one of the following ports of India is known as the ‘Queen of Arabian Sea”?
(A) Kandla(B) Kochchi
(C) Mumbai
(D) Marmagao
Settlements developed along rivers, roads or railway lines are classified as _________.
(A) Linear settlement(B) Economic settlement
(C) Zonal settlement
(D) Infrastructural settlement
In north-western parts of India during winter, the rainfall is caused mainly by
(A) Western disturbances(B) Cyclonic conditions
(C) Retreating monsoon
(D) ITCZ withdrawal
India has the longest international land fronteir with which one of the following countries?
(A) Pakistan(B) Bangladesh
(C) Myanmar
(D) China
What is time lag between two successive tides?
(A) 48 minutes and 20 seconds(B) 53 minutes and 42 seconds
(C) 48 minutes and 48 seconds
(D) 55 minutes and 40 seconds
Who among the following explained the geography to be a ‘science of spatial distribution’?
(A) Ritter(B) Varenius
(C) Perschel
(D) Humboldt
Incomplete burning of petrol or diesel in vehicles generates ________.
(A) Methane gas(B) Ozone gas
(C) Carbon-dioxide gas
(D) Carbon-Mono-oxide gas
Conservation of environment will lead us to a ________.
(A) Regular development(B) Sustainable development
(C) Energy development
(D) Improvement in our life
Which one of the following rivers presents an example of superimposed drainage?
(A) Ganga(B) Narmada
(C) Brahmaputra
(D) Cauveri
The end feature of the cycle of erosion in a limestone region is which of the following?
(A) Doline(B) Cavern
(C) Polje
(D) Stalactites
‘Kitab-al-Hind’ was written by whom of the following?
(A) Al Balkhi(B) Ibn-e-Batuta
(C) Al Baruni
(D) Iltutmish to
The Environment Pro implemented by the Government of India in which of the following years?
(A) 1976(B) 1996
(C) 1986
(D) 2006
As per Concentric Zone Theory of E. Burgese, the residential zone for middle income group people lies in which of the following zones?
(A) 2nd(B) 4th
(C) 3rd
(D) 5th
Which one of the following cities is the headquarters of World Trade Organisation?
(A) Geneva(B) New York
(C) London
(D) New Delhi
Which one of the following Islands is a coral Island?
(A) Tasmania(B) Fizi
(C) Hawaii
(D) Bikini
The speed of rotation of Earth would be maximum on which of the following parallels of latitudes?
(A) Tropic of Cancer(B) Equator
(C) Tropic of Capricorn
(D) Arctic Circle
In a contour map, points A and B are located on 3000 m and 7000 m contours respectively. Which one of the slope gradients is correct if horizontal equivalent between them is 4.0 km?
(A) 30°(B) 40°
(C) 35°
(D) 45°
Red Soil is found mainly in
(A) Bihar and Uttar Pradesh(B) Punjab and Himachal Pradesh
(C) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
(D) Rajasthan and Gujarat
Which of the following is a type of point source of water pollution?
(A) Industrial pollution(B) Acid rains
(C) Agricultural run off
(D) Urban run off
Who established the relationship between ‘Regional Geography’ and ‘Systematic Geography’?
(A) Huntington(B) Varenius
(C) Reclus
(D) Blache
Solfatara is a type of which of the following?
(A) A Block Mountain(B) A Folded Mountain
(C) A Dissected Plateau
(D) A Volcano
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