Which of the following rivers is a tributary of Yamuna?
(A) Gomti(B) Son
(C) Chambal
(D) Sharda
Which is the Nodel Ministry at the centre among the following that coordinates disaster management activities in India?
(A) Ministry of Home Affairs(B) Ministry of Civil Aviation
(C) Ministry of Agriculture
(D) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
‘The environment is essentially neutral, its role being dependent on the stage of technology, type of culture and other characteristics of changing society’. This statement is attributed to whom of the following?
(A) Edward Ullman(B) Huntington
(C) O.H.K. Spate
(D) G. Taylor
In order to show cotton belt of USA and other countries which of the following map projections would be most suitable?
(A) Bonne’s Projection(B) Cylindrical Equal Area Projection
(C) Polyconic Projection
(D) Simple Cylindrical Projection
If higher value contours are closely spaced and the lower value contours are wider apart then the slope of that area would be ________.
(A) Convex slope(B) Gentle slope
(C) Concave slope
(D) Undulating slope
The data pertaining to five years are given to you for three components. You are supposed to find out the trends for those components. Which one of the following type of illustration is the best to choose for your purpose?
(A) Polygraph(B) Bar and line graph
(C) Line graph
(D) Pie diagram
Which one of the following bases is correct to identify the ‘settlement pattern’ of an area?
(A) Size of settlement(B) Dispersion of setllement
(C) Shape of settlement
(D) Intensity of settlement
Which one of the following properties is the base for demarcating crust, mantle and core?
(A) Temperature(B) Pressure
(C) Composition
(D) State of matter
Which of the following activities is a quaternary activity?
(A) Sericulture(B) Business
(C) Food processing
(D) Teaching
“The Nature does not drive man along a particular road, but it offers a basket of opportunities from among which man is free to select”. This statement is related with:
(A) Environmental determinism(B) Neo determinism
(C) Possibilism
(D) Probabilism
Latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the mainland of India is about 30°. Despite of this fact, the east-west extent appears to be smaller than the north-south extent. Find out the correct options from the following:
(A) The distance between two meridians remain the same throughout(B) The distance between two latitudes remain the same
(C) The distance between two meridians decreases towards the pole and the distance between two latitudes remain the same.
(D) The distance between two latitudes and two meridians remain the same
As per Koppen’s scheme, the ‘Bwh’ type of climate is found in which of the following parts of the world?
(A) Tundra Region(B) Atakama Desert
(C) Alps Mountains
(D) Gobi Desert
The variability of rainfall would be more pronounced in which of the following countries?
(A) Sri Lanka(B) Saudi Arabia
(C) Indonesia
(D) Denmark
Which of the following gases is not a green house gas?
(A) Carbon-di-oxide(B) Carbon-mono-oxide
(C) Methane
(D) Argon
When position of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth is in straight line, this situation for tidal wave is called:
(A) Conjunction(B) Oppositions
(C) Quadrature
(D) Syzygy
Tsunamis belong to which of the category of the following hazards?
(A) Water Hazard(B) Environmental Hazard
(C) Geological Hazard
(D) Climatic Hazard
A climograph drawn for Jodhpur would repre- sent a climate of which of the following types?
(A) Muggy(B) Raw
(C) Scorching
(D) Keen
The concept of ‘areal differentiation’ in geography was introduced by ________.
(A) Peter Huggett(B) O.H.K. Spate
(C) L.C King
(D) Hartshorne
The optimum population theory’ was presented by whom _________.
(A) Thompson(B) Malthus
(C) Sidgwick
(D) Notestein
The activity of deflation is associated with which of the following agents of denudation?
(A) Winds(B) Rivers
(C) Rivers
(D) Under ground water
Which of the air pollutants has adverse impact on cardiovascular system of human beings?
(A) Sulphur-di-oxide(B) Lead
(C) Ozone
(D) Carbon-mono-oxide
Which one of the following statements is not true about the seismic shadow zone?
(A) Between 103° to 145° angular distance from the epicentre of an earthquake both ‘P’ and ‘S’ waves do not reach.(B) The shadow zone of both ‘P’ and ‘S’ waves appear as a ban
(C) Beyond 145° angular distance from the epicentre of an earthquake ‘S’ waves reappear.
(D) The shadow zone of ‘S’ is greater than ‘P’.
Which one of the following towns does not include in the category of Urban settlement?
(A) Settlement(B) Commercial
(C) Administrative
(D) Cultural
What was the name given to Southern supercontinent?
(A) Gondwanaland(B) Laurasia
(C) Pangea
(D) Panthalass
Which one of the following units of heat budget (R) is available on earth surface if heat budget equation, R= Q, (1a) – I, has parametalic vaue such as Q = solar radiation incoming at the outer limit of atmosphere (100 units), a = albedo effect (32 units) and I = outgoing long wave radiation (43 units):
(A) 25(B) 35
(C) 32
(D) 45
Which one of the following ocean currents is a warm ocean current?
(A) Labrador(B) Oyashio
(C) Kuroshio
(D) California