Choose the set where all the three are the plants that produce the fruit type, sorosis:
(A) Artocarpus, Morus, Ananas(B) Ficus, Aegle, Fragaria
(C) Morus, Anona, Psidium
(D) Ananas, Anona, Ficus
The components of an ecosystem that are seen to function as a unit for its sustainability are:
(A) Energy availability, nutrient cycle, water supply and decomposition(B) Productivity, energy flow, water cycle and decomposition
(C) Decomposition, energy flow, productivity and nutrient cycle
(D) Energy flow, water cycle, nutrient cycle and productivity
Which of the following statement does not appropriately substantiate the concept of RNA being the initial genetic material?
(A) Self splicing property of RNA molecule(B) Involvement of molecules like NAD or FAD in the process of ATP synthesis.
(C) Involvement of enzyme primase in DNA replication.
(D) Phosphorylation of creatine to form high energy creatine phosphate molecule
The quality of oxygen in water (dissolved oxygen-DO) along with BOD is indicated by the kind of organis present in ter. The fish become rare at DO value of:
(A) 4 to 5 ppm of water(B) 5 to 6 pp of water
(C) 6 to 7 ppm of water
(D) 7 to 8 ppm of water
In immune response mechanism clonal selection is a process in which:
(A) a special type of clone cell line is identified in a cell culture(B) the proliferation and differentiation of lymphocytes occur in response to a specific antigen
(C) cloning of a specific gene is done by inserting the same into a bacteria by recombinant DNA technology
(D) selection of an appropriate cell type is done for the purpose of cloning
A plant bears fruits, has a column of vascular bundle and a tap-root system. The plant is a/an.
(A) Angiosperm and monocot(B) Angiosperm and dicot
(C) Gymnosperm and dicot
(D) Gymnosperm
BOD of waste water is estimated by measuring the rate of:
(A) formation of flocs by rigorous growth of aerobic microbes in a sample of water.(B) uptake of oxygen by microorganisms in a sample of water.
(C) digesting fungi and bacteria in the given sample of sludge.
(D) production of biogas during digestion of bacteria and fungi in the given sample.
Spot the odd one out from the following structures present in Human female reproductive system:
(A) antrum of tertiary follicle(B) acrosome
(C) fimbriae
(D) cervix
When a pea tendril comes in contact of a string, it coils around it. What kind of tropic response does it exhibit?
(A) Chemotropism(B) Phototropism
(C) Heliotropism
(D) Thigmotropism
An apomictic diploid embryo development from the egg fill of an unreduced embryo sac of nucellar origin is called:
(A) Diplospory(B) Apospory
(C) Vegetative Propagation
(D) Adventive embryony
Succus entericus contains:
(A) electrolytes(B) insulin
(C) mucus
(D) Advariety of enzymes
Select the correct option to name an auto – immune disorder affecting neuro muscular junction leading to fatigue, weakening and paralysis of skeletal muscle:
(A) Osteoporosis(B) Arthritis
(C) Muscular dystrophy
(D) Myasthenia gravis
A trait was found to be present only among males of a family pedigree. Which of the following options correctly explains the above phenomenon?
(A) Mitochondrial Inheritance(B) Maternal Inheritance
(C) Y-chromosome linked Inheritance
(D) X-chromosome linked recessive Inheritance
The palindromic site in a DNA molecule can be identified by:
(A) RNA polymerase(B) Reverse transcriptase
(C) Restriction endonuclease
(D) Ribozymes
The chemical produced by Calotropis, which is used by it against the browsing of cattles and goats is:
(A) strychnine(B) quinine
(C) opium
(D) cardiac glycosides
Which of the following disease has been attempted to be cured using genetic engineering technique?
(A) Severe combined immune deficiency(B) Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome
(C) Down’s syndrome
(D) Klinefelter’s syndrome
Which of the following is a correct statement about the process of DNA replication?
(A) DNA synthesis takes place mainly by DNA-polymerase I in E. coli(B) Gap filling after the removal of primer is done by DNA-polymerase III
(C) SSB proteins bind to the DNA strand in which the leading strand of replicating DNA is synthesized.
(D) Direction of DNA synthesis in the lagging strand is 5’3′ direction
For which of the following product, genetically engineered option are not available?
(A) Cotton(B) Insulin
(C) Antibody
(D) Neuron
The osmotic concentration of 1.0 M sucrose shall be equal to that of:
(A) 0.1 M NaCl(B) 0.5 M NaCl
(C) 0.1 M CaCl2
(D) 0.5 M CaCl2
Select the correct combination of tissues that are not observed in an old trunk of a dicot tree:
(A) Collenchyma, Stomata, Trichomes(B) Sclerenchyma, Phellem, Laticifers
(C) Bark, Cork Cambium, Secondary Xylem
(D) Vascular cambium, Cork Cambium, Secondary Phloem
Joining repeating units for formation of a macromolecule is called:
(A) Polymorphism(B) Condensation
(C) Aggregation
(D) Polymerisation
Identify the bacterium which is inserted into a crop plant to provide resistance to pests from following options.
(A) Bacillus typhimurium(B) Bacillus taiwanensis
(C) Bacillus thuringiensis
(D) Bacillus tropica
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