Federalism Important Questions And Answers
For students who want to score good marks in class 10 Political Science subject examinations, important questions and answers of federalism are given here for their preparation. With the information of these important questions and answers, you can prepare well for the class 10 examination. Questions and answers related to federalism are taught to us under political science. For the students who are looking for information related to the federalism lesson, important questions and their answers related to federalism are given in this post, which have been asked in the exam earlier also.
Question 1: What is the federal system of government? Or what is federalism?
Answer: A system of government in which there are two or more levels of governance.
Question 2: What is a unitary system of government?
Answer: In a unitary system of government, there is only one level of government and the remaining units work under its authority.
Question 3: Name three countries with a federal system of government.
Answer: Three countries with a federal system of government are India, Belgium, and the United States of America.
Question 4: Name three countries with a unitary system of government.
Answer: Three countries with a unitary system of government are Sri Lanka, China, and England.
Question 5: What is meant by jurisdiction?
Answer: The area over which someone has legal authority is called jurisdiction.
Question 6: In which lists is the division of powers between the center and states in India done?
Answer: In India, the division of powers between the center and the states is done in the Union List, State List, and Concurrent List.
Question 7: How many subjects are there in the Union List?
Answer: There are 97 subjects in the Union List.
Question 8: How many subjects are there in the State List?
Answer: There are 62 subjects in the State List.
Question 9: How many subjects are there in the Concurrent List?
Answer: There are 52 subjects in the Concurrent List.
Question 10: Name four subjects included in the Union List.
Answer: Four subjects included in the Union List are defense, foreign affairs, banking, and communication.
Question 11: Name four subjects included in the State List.
Answer: Four subjects included in the State List are police, trade, commerce, and agriculture.
Question 12: Name four subjects included in the Concurrent List.
Answer: Four subjects included in the Concurrent List are education, forests, labor unions, and marriage.
Question 13: If there is a conflict between the laws made by the center and the state on a subject in the Concurrent List, which law prevails?
Answer: If there is a conflict between the laws made by the center and the state on a subject in the Concurrent List, the law made by the central government prevails.
Question 14: What are Union Territories?
Answer: Small areas that cannot become independent states due to their size, and thus are governed by the center, are called Union Territories.
Question 15: Name four Union Territories.
Answer: Four Union Territories are Delhi, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Question 16: Before the 1992 Constitutional Amendment, how many levels of government existed in India?
Answer: Before the 1992 Constitutional Amendment, there were two levels of government (center and state) in India.
Question 17: After the 1992 Constitutional Amendment, how many levels of government were implemented in India?
Answer: After the 1992 Constitutional Amendment, a three-tier (center, state, and local level) system of government was implemented in India.
Question 18: In which schedule of the Indian Constitution are 22 languages listed?
Answer: In the 8th Schedule.
Question 19: In how many countries is there a federal system of government?
Answer: In 25 countries.
Question 20: Identify three states created by dividing larger states.
Answer: Three states created by dividing larger states are Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Uttarakhand.
Question 21: What does Panchayati Raj mean?
Answer: The system of local self-governance in rural areas of India is called Panchayati Raj. It gives people living in villages the right to administer and develop their village according to their wishes.
Question 22: When was the Panchayati Raj system given constitutional status in India?
Answer: The Panchayati Raj system was given constitutional status in India in 1992 through the 73rd Constitutional Amendment.
Question 23: When was the new Panchayati Raj Act implemented in the country?
Answer: The new Panchayati Raj Act was implemented in the country in 1993.
Question 24: How many tiers are there in the current Panchayati Raj system in India? Name them.
Answer: The current Panchayati Raj system in India has a three-tier structure: (1) Gram Panchayat at the village level, (2) Panchayat Samiti at the block level, and (3) Zilla Parishad at the district level.
Question 25: Write any two features of the Panchayati Raj system related to the 73rd Constitutional Amendment.
Answer: (1) This amendment made it mandatory to implement a three-tier Panchayati Raj system in all states.
(2) It provided that the formation, powers, and functions of Panchayati Raj institutions would be determined by the state legislature.
Question 26: What is a Gram Sabha?
Answer: The Gram Sabha is similar to the legislature of the Gram Panchayat, consisting of all adult men and women living in the Gram Panchayat area.
Question 27: What is the head of the Gram Panchayat called?
Answer: The head of the Gram Panchayat is called the Sarpanch.
Question 28: What should be the minimum age to become a member of the Gram Panchayat?
Answer: The minimum age to become a member of the Gram Panchayat should be 21 years.
Question 29: According to the 73rd Amendment, what is the fixed term for Panchayats across India?
Answer: According to the 73rd Amendment, the fixed term for Panchayats across India is 5 years.
Question 30: Write any two administrative functions of the Gram Panchayat.
Answer: (1) The Gram Panchayat will complete the tasks determined by the Gram Sabha.
(2) It will prepare the budget for the area’s development and present it in the Gram Sabha, and it will also prepare development plans.
Question 31: Write any two welfare functions of the Gram Panchayat.
Answer: (1) Development of agriculture and horticulture, development of barren land, and development of grazing land in the field of agriculture.
(2) Improvement of livestock, promotion of dairy industry, poultry farming, etc. in the field of animal husbandry, including fish development.
Question 32: What is the Panchayat Samiti?
Answer: In the three-tier structure of Panchayati Raj, the Panchayat Samiti is the unit between the Gram Panchayat and the Zilla Parishad. It is formed in each development block.
Question 33: Who is a co-opted member in the Panchayat Samiti?
Answer: The member of the Legislative Assembly (M.L.A.) elected from the area of the Panchayat Samiti is considered a co-opted member.
Question 34: Who are the ex-officio members of the Panchayat Samiti?
Answer: The Sub-Divisional Magistrate (S.D.M.) and the Block Development Officer (B.D.O) in the area of the Panchayat Samiti are the ex-officio members.
Question 35: Do the ex-officio members of the Panchayat Samiti have the right to participate and vote in meetings?
Answer: The ex-officio members have the right to participate in the committee meetings but do not have the right to vote.
Question 36: In which year did Telangana become a state of India?
Answer: In 2014.
Question 37: What is the term of the Panchayat Samiti?
Answer: The term of the Panchayat Samiti is 5 years.
Question 38: How can the President and Vice President of the Panchayat Samiti be removed before the fixed term?
Answer: The President and Vice President of the Panchayat Samiti can be removed by passing a resolution with a two-thirds federalism important questions and answers majority of the elected members.
Question 39: Name any two functions of the Panchayat Samiti.
Answer: (1) Monitoring the functions of the Panchayats constituted in its area.
(2) Formulating and implementing plans for the socio-economic development of its area.
Question 40: Who are the ex-officio members of the Zilla Parishad?
Answer: (1) The presidents of all Panchayat Samitis constituted in a district are ex-officio members of the Zilla Parishad.
(2) The Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) related to that district are ex-officio members of the Zilla Parishad.
In this post, we have given you complete information related to Sanghvad · most important question, important questions and answers related to federalism, Federalism Class 10 Chapter 2 Imp. Questions Class 10 Political Science Chapter 2 Federalism important questions, Federalism Class 10 questions and answers, Federalism Class 10 important questions. If you have any question or suggestion regarding this, then definitely ask us by commenting below and if you find this information useful, then definitely share it with your friends.