DSSSB TGT PGT Previous Question Paper PDF
डीएसएसएसबी टीजीटी पीजीटी पिछला प्रश्न पत्र पीडीएफ – DSSSB हर साल TGT PGT के एग्जाम करवाता है .इसलिए जो उम्मीदवार DSSSB TGT PGT के एग्जाम की तैयारी कर रहा है,उन्हें पिछले एग्जाम पेपरों को देख कर तैयारी करनी चाहिए .नीचे आपको DSSSB TGT PGT Solved Question Paper दिया गया है इस Solved Paper से उम्मीदवार को पता चल जाएगा की DSSSB TGT PGT के पेपर में किस तरह के प्रश्न पूछे जाते है .और इनसे उनकी तैयारी भी अच्छे से हो जाती है .इसलिए इस पोस्ट में DSSSB TGT PGT Question Paper दिया गया है .इन्हें आप ध्यान से पढ़े
You are on your way to college. You find a gold chain on the road. What should be your most appropriate step?
(A) Hand over the chain to the college principal(B) Hand over the chain to a nearby passing person
(C) Pocket the chain
(D) Hand over the chain to the nearby police station *
If $ means -, # means -, @ means x and means, then what is the value of 26$4@3#56*7?
(A) 32(B) 36
(C) 40
(D) 30
Study the following Venn diagram carefully and answer the question. Gujarati 68 51 72 Marathi 26 17 52 -Hindi What is the ratio of people who speak Gujarati and Hindi but NOT Marathi to the people who speak only Hindi?
(A) 12(B) 7:9
(C) 33 52
(D) 2:1
The following chart shows information about the sales of the company ‘XYZ’ for the year 2016 and 2017? sales in crores 20 5 dl.. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2016 2017 What is the ratio of total sales of the company ‘XYZ’ for the year 2016 to the total sales for the year 2017?
(A) 9 15(B) 11: 15
(C) 15: 11
(D) 15: 9
Identify the odd pair of numerals among the options.
(A) 9:37(B) 6:25
(C) 4: 13
(D) 7 29
Suma cuts a cake into two halves and further cuts one half into smaller pieces of equal size. Each of the small pieces is thirty grams in weight. If she has nine pieces of the cake in all with her, how heavy was the original cake?
(A) 180 grams(B) 240 grams
(C) 480 grams
(D) 120 grams
Select the most appropriate option. A cycle must have:
(A) Wheels(B) Battery
(C) Rain proof Roof
(D) Vegetable Basket
Parsis are related to Zoroaster in the same way Christians are related to:
(A) Ganesha(B) Muhammad
(C) Jesus
(D) Catholics
The pairs of words given in the options share a similar relationship except in one pair. Identify the odd pair of words.
A. Sword: SlaughterB. Gun Shoot
C. Spanner Grip
D. Spoon Cut
What should come in the place of question mark in the below series :
S, M, H, ?, A, Y
A. GS, M, H, ?, A, Y
B. P
C. D
D. X
A father is now two times as old as his son. Ten years back, he was three times as old as his son. The present age of the son (in years) is:
A. 15B. 25
C. 20
D. 30
What would be the next term in the below number series.
47, 28, 16, ?A. 8
B. 18
C. 6
D. 10
Vardhaman is the brother of Vanaja. How is Vanaja’s father’s only daughter’s daughter related to Vardhaman?
A. MotherB. Niece
C. Sister
D. Aunt
Who among the following is a famous flute player?
A. Tarun BhattacharyaB. Raghunath Seth
C. Ali Akbar Khan
D. Vilayat Khan
How many total medals did India win in the 2018 Asian Games held in Indonesia?
A. 67B. 69
C. 72
D. 76
In which language are the earliest collections of Buddha’s teachings?
A. SanskritB. Magadhi
C. Prakrit
D. Pali
India finished at ________ position in terms of medal tally (arranged as per number of gold medals) in the 2018 Asian Games.
(A) Eighth(B) Tenth
(C) Seventh
(D) Ninth
“Khyal” is the Hindustani folk-dance drama or theatre of _________
(A) Andhra Pradesh(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Rajasthan
Which of the following is NOT a ‘terrestrial planet’?
(A) Venus(B) Neptune
(C) Mars
(D) Mercury
Who are known as the first Empire builders of India?
(A) Guptas(B) Nandas
(C) Mauryans
(D) Sungas
Union Government has signed $375 million loan agreement with Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Irrigation Efficiency Improvement Project of which state?
(A) Haryana(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Maharashtra