Democracy And Diversity Important Questions Answer

Democracy And Diversity Important Questions Answer

Let us tell the students studying in class 10 that you can get the question answers of all the subjects chapters of class 10th from our website. By using these question answers, you can easily prepare for all the subjects. Therefore, today in this post, the question answers of class 10 political science chapter 3 democracy and diversity are given. Remember them carefully because these questions are very important for the class 10 political science exam. So read them carefully.

Question 1. Write one reason for social division.
Answer: The main reason for social division is linguistic and regional diversity.

Question 2. Which community did Carlos and Smith belong to in America?
Answer: They belonged to the Black community in America.

Question 3. Who are called Afro-Americans?
Answer: Afro-Americans are those people who were brought to America as captives from Africa between the 17th century and the early 19th century.

Question 4. When did the Civil Rights Movement occur in America?
Answer: The Civil Rights Movement in America occurred from 1954 to 1968.

Question 5. Who led the Civil Rights Movement in America?
Answer: Martin Luther King Jr. led the Civil Rights Movement in America.

Question 6. What is a homogeneous society?
Answer: A homogeneous society is one in which community, cultural, or ethnic differences are not very deep.

Question 7. Between which two social groups is there violent conflict in Northern Ireland?
Answer: In Northern Ireland, there is violent conflict between Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians.

Question 8. Which parties are leading the Catholic Christians in Northern Ireland?
Answer: The Nationalist parties are leading the Catholic Christians in Northern Ireland.

Question 9. Which parties are leading the Protestants in Northern Ireland?
Answer: The Unionist parties are leading the Protestants in Northern Ireland.

Question 10. Who were Tommie Smith and John Carlos?
Answer: Tommie Smith and John Carlos were runners from America’s Black community who protested against the racist policies in America during the Mexico Olympics.

Question 11. What movement occurred in America between 1954 and 1968?
Answer: The Civil Rights Movement.

Question 12. What has been the result of social divisions in Northern Ireland?
Answer: Violent conflict continues within the country.

Question 13. Where were the Olympic Games held in 1968?
Answer: In Mexico City.

Question 14. Name a country where political division occurred due to social division.
Answer: Yugoslavia.

Question 15. Write one consequence of social divisions in Indian politics.
Answer: Due to social divisions, Indian politics has become more enriched.

Question 16. How are Romani people treated in Bulgaria?
Answer: Romani people are treated badly in Bulgaria and are considered thieves and criminals.

Question 17. Name two countries that have harmony in diversity.
Answer: India and Belgium.

Question 18. Write a note on the Civil Rights Movement in America.
Answer: From 1954 to 1968, a series of events and reform movements took place in America aiming to eliminate race-based discrimination against Afro-Americans. Led by Martin Luther King Jr., this movement was completely non-violent in nature. It raised demands to end laws and practices that discriminated based on race, which ultimately succeeded.

Question 19. What kinds of divisions are visible in most societies today?
Answer: Today, many kinds of divisions are visible in most societies. These divisions are primarily based on birth. Starting from birth, these divisions take the form of language, caste, culture, religion, region, race, skin color, etc. Whether a country is as large as India or as small as Belgium, these divisions are found in all countries.

Question 20. How do social divisions affect politics?
Answer: The combination of politics and social divisions seems very dangerous and explosive. In a democracy, there is a competitive environment among various political parties. This competition can cause any society to fall apart. If political parties start competing according to the existing social divisions in society, social division can turn into political division, leading the country toward fragmentation. This has happened in many countries.

In this post you will find important questions and answers related to democracy and diversity, Loktantr Or vividhta question answer, Democracy and Diversity Class 10 Chapter 3 Imp. Questions, Democracy and Diversity questions and answers, democratic politics class 10 chapter 3 question answer, democratic politics class 10 chapter 3 notes, class 10 loktantrik rajniti chapter 3 question answer. If you find these questions and answers useful, share them with your friends and if you want to know or ask something regarding this then make sure to ask by commenting below.

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