Conservation of Plants and Animals Important Questions and Answers

Conservation of Plants and Animals Important Questions and Answers

For students who want to score good marks in class 8 Science subject examinations, important questions and answers of Conservation of Plants and Animals are given here for their preparation. With the information of these important questions and answers, you can prepare well for the class 8 examination. Questions and answers related to Conservation of Plants and Animals are taught to us under Science. For those who are looking for information related to the lesson Conservation of Plants and Animals, important questions and their answers related to Conservation of Plants and Animals are given in this post, which have been asked in the exam earlier also.

Q1. What is global warming?
Answer: Global warming is the increase in temperature due to the rise in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Q2. Define deforestation.
Answer: Deforestation is the cutting down of forests and using that land for other purposes.

Q3. What are the natural factors of deforestation?
Answer: Wildfires and severe drought are natural factors of deforestation.

Q4. What are the effects of decreased rainfall and soil fertility?
Answer: These increase the likelihood of natural disasters such as floods and droughts.

Q5. Which gas do plants need for photosynthesis?
Answer: Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

Q6. What will happen with the increase of carbon dioxide gas in the environment?
Answer: This will lead to global warming.

Q7. What is the cause of drought?
Answer: Drought occurs due to an increase in temperature on the land.

Q8. Define desertification.
Answer: Desertification is the process by which fertile land transforms into desert.

Q9. Name the place where the flora and fauna are similar to those of the upper Himalayas and the lower Western Ghats.
Answer: Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.

Q10. What does the government do to conserve forests and wildlife?
Answer: The government formulates laws, policies, and methods for the conservation and protection of forests and wildlife.

Q11. What is a biosphere?
Answer: The biosphere is the part of the Earth where living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life.

Q12. Define biodiversity.
Answer: Biodiversity refers to the variety of living species and their interactions with each other and their environment on Earth.

Q13. What are biosphere reserves?
Answer: Biosphere reserves are areas that are meant for the conservation of biodiversity.

Q14. Name one national park and two wildlife sanctuaries found in Pachmarhi.
Answer: National Park – Satpura; Wildlife Sanctuaries – Bori and Pachmarhi.

Q15. Define flora.
Answer: Flora refers to the plants found in a particular region.

Q16. Give some examples of the flora found in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.
Answer: Sal, teak, mango, jamun, silver fern, arjun, etc.

Q17. Define fauna.
Answer: Fauna refers to the animals found in a particular region.

Q18. Give some examples of the fauna found in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.
Answer: Chinkara, nilgai, barking deer, cheetah, wild dog, wolf, etc.

Q19. Define species.
Answer: Species are groups of living organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

Q20. What are endemic species?
Answer: Endemic species are those plants and animals that are found in a particular area and nowhere else.

Q21. How many trees are needed to produce one ton of paper?
Answer: Approximately 17 fully grown trees are needed to produce one ton of paper.

Q22. What is reforestation?
Answer: Reforestation is the process of planting new trees in areas where forests have been cut down.

Q23. List two disadvantages of deforestation.
Answer: Increase in pollution, rise in atmospheric temperature, and increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.

Q24. What is a wildlife sanctuary?
Answer: A wildlife sanctuary is a protected area where wildlife is safe and conserved.

Q25. Name some endangered animals.
Answer: Black duck, white-eyed duck, elephant, golden cat, pink-headed duck, gharial, marsh crocodile, python, rhinoceros, etc.

Q26. What is a zoological park?
Answer: Zoological parks are areas where animals are kept safe and protected.

Q27. What are national parks?
Answer: National parks are protected areas that aim to conserve ecosystems and biodiversity.

Q28. What is the name of the first reserved area in India?
Answer: Satpura National Park.

Q29. What type of flora is found in Satpura National Park?
Answer: The best teak is found in Satpura National Park.

Q30. Where are rock shelters found?
Answer: Rock shelters are found in Satpura National Park.

Q31. What do rock shelters provide information about?
Answer: They provide information about the life of primitive humans.

Q32. How many rock shelters have been found in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve?
Answer: 55 rock shelters have been found.

Q33. When was the ‘Project Tiger’ law implemented by our government?
Answer: Project Tiger was implemented on April 1, 1973, by the government to protect Indian tigers.

Q34. What are endangered species?
Answer: Endangered species are those whose numbers are declining and are at risk of extinction.

Q35. Name one extinct animal.
Answer: Dinosaur.

Q36. Define ecosystem.
Answer: An ecosystem is a system comprising all the plants, animals, microorganisms, and non-living components like climate, soil, and rivers of an area.

Q37. What is the website for the Red Data Book?
Answer: WWW/ 102/htm/new/nwdc/plats.htm.

Q38. Name the bird that migrated from Malaysia to India.
Answer: Sarus crane.

Q39. Name some migratory birds.
Answer: Sarus crane, pintail duck, great cormorant.

Q40. What are migratory birds?
Answer: Migratory birds are those that travel long distances from one place to another due to changes in climate.

Q41. What is the impact of deforestation on rainfall and the water cycle?
Answer: Deforestation disrupts the balance of the water cycle, leading to reduced rainfall and drought.

Q42. List the adverse effects of soil erosion.
Answer: Reduced humus in soil, decreased fertility, and conversion of land into desert.

Q43. What is the main cause of desertification?
Answer: Soil erosion.

In this post we have given you complete information related to Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 question answer, Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 Notes, Questions and Answers of Class 8 Science Chapter 7, Class-8 Chapter 7 Questions and Answers of Conservation of Plants and Animals, Questions and Answers related to Conservation of Plants and Animals. If you have any question or suggestion regarding this, then definitely ask us by commenting below and if you find this information useful, then definitely share it with your friends.

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