Coal and Petroleum Important Question Answer
We are taught about coal and petroleum from school time. But many students do not pay attention at that time. And later they face problems during the exam. Today, many questions related to coal and petroleum are asked in all competitive exams. These questions and answers are also important for those students who are preparing for class 8 Science exam. Therefore, today in this post, important questions and answers related to coal and petroleum are given. These questions are asked in the exam every time. Therefore, you should read them carefully, it will be beneficial for you.
Question 1. Name some natural substances.
Answer: Air, water, soil, forests, minerals, etc.
Question 2. Name some human-made substances.
Answer: Glass, cement, fabric, houses, etc.
Question 3. Define fossil fuels. Name any three fossil fuels.
Answer: Fossil fuels are fuels that have formed in nature over millions of years from the remains of living organisms buried under soil. Examples: Coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc.
Question 4. How is coke made?
Answer: Coke is made by processing coal. When coal is burned, gases and other substances are released, and the remaining black substance is called coke.
Question 5. What are the products of coal processing?
Answer: Coal gas and coal tar.
Question 6. Name the products of fractional distillation of petroleum.
Answer: Asphalt, petrol, diesel oil, paraffin wax, lubricating oil, kerosene.
Question 7. Name three products made from petroleum.
Answer: Fertilizers, pesticides, synthetic rubber.
Question 8. What will happen if fossil fuels are used rapidly? Give a reason.
Answer: Fossil fuels will be depleted because it takes thousands of years for them to form.
Question 9. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of which type of fuels?
Answer: Fossil fuels.
Question 10. What is petroleum?
Answer: Petroleum is a thick, dark-colored oily liquid with an unpleasant smell.
Question 11. Which rocks store petroleum?
Answer: Impervious (non-porous) rocks.
Question 12. Which process is used for petroleum refining?
Answer: Fractional distillation.
Question 13. How is petroleum gas formed?
Answer: It is formed in a non-condensed form during the fractional distillation of petroleum.
Question 14. What is the use of bitumen?
Answer: Road construction.
Question 15. Which liquid fuel is used in stoves, lamps, and jet airplanes?
Answer: Kerosene.
Question 16. Which component of petroleum is used as a solvent in dry-cleaning?
Answer: Petrol.
Question 17. Name some exhaustible natural resources.
Answer: Forests, wildlife, minerals, coal, etc.
Question 18. Give examples of renewable natural resources.
Answer: Air, water, sunlight, etc.
Question 19. Which natural substance is found with a blacksmith?
Answer: Coal.
Question 20. What is the main component of coal?
Answer: Carbon.
Question 21. Which process converts dead plants into coal?
Answer: Carbonization.
Question 22. What happens when coal is burned in the air?
Answer: Carbon dioxide gas is produced.
Question 23. What condition is necessary for processing?
Answer: Absence of air/oxygen.
Question 24. What is the modern use of coal gas?
Answer: As a source of thermal energy.
Question 25. What is destructive distillation (processing)?
Answer: Destructive distillation is heating coal in the absence or limited supply of air.
Question 26. What are hydrocarbons?
Answer: Hydrocarbons are compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen.
Question 27. What are petrochemicals?
Answer: Petrochemicals are substances obtained from petroleum and natural gas, used to make detergents, synthetic fibers, plastics, etc.
Question 28. Where is petroleum found in India?
Answer: In India, petroleum is found in the states of Gujarat and Assam. It is also found under the sea floor in Mumbai, known as Bombay High. Oil is also obtained from the basins of the Godavari and Kaveri (Krishna) rivers.
Question 29. What are the main products of petroleum refining?
Answer: The products obtained from petroleum refining are natural gas, petrol, naphtha, kerosene, gaseous oil (diesel), lubricating oil/wax, fuel oil, and bitumen.
Question 30. What are the products of coal?
Answer: When coal is burned in the absence of air, it produces coal gas, coal tar, and coke. Coal gas is a good fuel. Important chemicals like benzene, toluene, naphthalene, and anthracene are obtained from coal tar.
Question 31. What is coal tar? Write its uses.
Answer: Coal tar is a thick, black liquid with an unpleasant smell. It is a mixture of about 200 substances. It is used in daily life items like paints, dyes, plastics, pictures, fragrances, explosives, medicines, etc. It is also useful in road construction.
In this post, very important questions and answers related to Coal and Petroleum have been given. If you find these answers useful, share them with your friends and if you want to know or ask something regarding this then make sure to ask by commenting below.