Cell Structure and Functions Important Questions Answer

Cell Structure and Functions Important Questions Answer

Students who are preparing for class 8 board exam or other competitive exams. All those students have been given important questions and answers related to cell structure and function of class 8th science. These questions have been asked earlier in the board 8th exam as well, if you want to know the important questions asked in the exam, then in this post below you have been given important questions and answerson cell structure and function. You should remember them well. Students, with the help of the given questions, you can prepare for your exam even better.

Q1. Do unicellular organisms also refer to single-cell organisms?
Answer: True.

Q2. Name the cell with a branched structure.
Answer: Nerve cell.

Q3. What is the structural and functional unit of life?
Answer: Cell.

Q4. What contribution did Robert Brown make in cell biology?
Answer: Discovery of the nucleus in the cell of an orchid.

Q5. Who proposed the cell theory?
Answer: M.J. Schleiden and Theodor Schwann.

Q6. Name the smallest and the largest cell.
Answer: (i) Smallest cell – Mycoplasma.
(ii) Largest cell – Ostrich egg.

Q7. Which is the smallest and largest cell in the human body?
Answer: (i) Smallest cell – Nephron.
(ii) Largest cell – Neuron.

Q8. Who referred to protoplasm as the physical basis of life in living organisms?
Answer: Huxley.

Q9. What contribution did Rudolf Virchow make in the field of biology?
Answer: He stated that new cells arise from pre-existing cells, “Omnis cellula e cellula.”

Q10. How many types of cells are there based on the nature of the nucleus?
Answer: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.

Q11. What is a nucleoid?
Answer: Nucleoid is the undefined nucleus in prokaryotic organisms like bacteria and blue-green algae, lacking a nuclear membrane.

Q12. What contribution did Robert Hooke make in cell biology?
Answer: Robert Hooke discovered the cell.

Q13. What are the three functional regions of a cell?
Answer: Cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus.

Q14. What is the primary function of the cell membrane?
Answer: The cell membrane regulates the movement of various substances in and out of the cell.

Q15. Name the smallest cell organelle.
Answer: Ribosome.

Q16. Which cell organelle is called the suicide bag?
Answer: Lysosome.

Q17. Name the largest cell organelle.
Answer: Plastid.

Q18. Which cell organelle is referred to as the cell center?
Answer: Centrosome.

Q19. What is an organ?
Answer: An organ is a part of the body of animals and plants.

Q20. Who coined the term ‘Cell’?
Answer: Robert Hooke.

Q21. Why did Robert Hooke name it ‘cell’?
Answer: Robert Hooke observed box-like structures in a slice of cork resembling a honeycomb and named it ‘cell.’

Q22. Name some parts of a plant.
Answer: Roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits.

Q23. Give examples of unicellular organisms.
Answer: Amoeba, Paramecium, bacteria, etc.

Q24. What is the size of the smallest cell?
Answer: 0.1 microns (µm), one-thousandth of a millimeter.

Q25. What is the yellow part of a chicken egg?
Answer: It is a cell.

Q26. What is the size of the largest cell that can be seen with the naked eye?
Answer: 170 mm.

Q27. What are cell organelles?
Answer: Cell organelles are components of a cell.

Q28. What is the function of the cell membrane in a cell?
Answer: The cell membrane encloses a substance called cytoplasm.

Q29. Name the four main elements of cytoplasm.
Answer: Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

Q30. What is nucleoplasm?
Answer: The substance found within the nucleus.

Q31. Who controls the functions of a cell?
Answer: Nucleus.

Q32. What do chromosomes do?
Answer: Chromosomes transfer genetic traits and characteristics from parent to offspring.

Q33. What is chloroplast?
Answer: Green plastids in plants are called chloroplasts.

Q34. What is the shape of mitochondria?
Answer: Rod-shaped or spherical.

Q35. Which organelle is known as the powerhouse of the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria.

Q36. Name the single-cell organism with cilia.
Answer: Paramecium.

Q37. What happens when a cell is destroyed?
Answer: It can affect the functions of the organ system.

Q38. What results from the increase in number and size of cells?
Answer: Growth of the organism.

Q39. Why did Hooke have to take thin slices of cork?
Answer: Because solid cork did not provide information.

Q40. Where did Hooke present his observation of cork?
Answer: At the Royal Society of London.

Q41. Name any two unicellular organisms.
Answer: (i) Amoeba, (ii) Paramecium.

Q42. What is the shape of Amoeba?
Answer: Amoeba does not have a fixed shape, it is irregular.

Q43. Name the human cell that changes shape.
Answer: White Blood Cell (WBC).

Q44. What is the size of human RBC?
Answer: 7 µm.

Q45. Name two main characteristics of living organisms.
Answer: (i) Respiration, (ii) Nutrition.

Q46. How many cells are found in the human body?
Answer: 10¹⁴ (100 trillion).

Q47. What are the main shapes of cells?
Answer: Spherical, cuboidal, and columnar.

Q48. What is the cell membrane made of?
Answer: Fats and proteins.

Q49. Which part controls the functions of cells?
Answer: Nucleus.

Q50. What carries genetic traits?
Answer: Chromosomes.

In this post you have been given important questions and answers on cell structure and function class 8, important questions related to cell division class 8 science chapter 8 question answer, cell structure and function (science) class 8 question answer, very important questions and answers related to cell structure and function. If you find these questions and answers useful, then share them with your friends and if you want to know or ask something about this then make sure to ask by commenting below.

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