Reaching the Age of Adolescence Important Question Answer

Reaching the Age of Adolescence Important Question Answer

For all the students preparing for the class 8th exam, we keep providing important information related to this on our website from time to time. If you are looking for questions and answers related to class 8th Science, then in today’s post, we are providing important questions and their answers related to Class 8th Science Chapter 10 Towards Adolescence. Remember them carefully because these questions have been asked in the 8th exam earlier also and these can be asked in the upcoming exams as well.

Q1. What is the name of the substance secreted by endocrine glands responsible for changes in the body?
Answer: Hormone.

Q2. Name two endocrine glands in humans.
Answer: (i) Pituitary (ii) Thyroid.

Q3. Which endocrine gland produces growth hormone?
Answer: Pituitary gland.

Q4. What is the female reproductive cell called?
Answer: Ovum.

Q5. At what age does growth stop in humans?
Answer: 20-25 years of age.

Q6. What is the main element of the thyroxine hormone?
Answer: Iodine.

Q7. Which gland produces adrenaline?
Answer: Adrenal gland.

Q8. Name the male and female reproductive hormones.
Answer: Testosterone and Estrogen.

Q9. What does reproductive health mean?
Answer: Reproductive Health – Proper care and hygiene of reproductive organs are necessary. Without it, one can suffer from various infections. Proper care requires knowledge, making reproductive health an important part of personal health. Diseases related to reproductive organs are called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (S.T.D.).

Q10. Define sex chromosomes.
Answer: Sex Chromosomes – Chromosomes responsible for determining sex are called sex chromosomes. Females have XX chromosomes, and males have XY chromosomes.

Q11. How many chromosomes are found in a human cell?
Answer: 46 (44 autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes).

Q12. When does adolescence start and end?
Answer: Adolescence starts at 11 years of age and lasts until 18 or 19 years of age.

Q13. Glands that release their secretion directly into the bloodstream are called…?
Answer: Endocrine glands.

Q14. What is a “target site”?
Answer: Target site – The part of the body where hormones exert their effects.

Q15. What is the reproductive period in females?
Answer: The reproductive period in females develops at the age of 10-12 years and ends at 45-50 years.

Q16. Define menarche.
Answer: Menarche – The first menstrual flow at the onset of puberty.

Q17. What is menopause?
Answer: Menopause – The cessation of menstrual cycles.

Q18. What are the sex chromosomes in males and females?
Answer: Females have two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

Q19. Where is the pituitary gland located?
Answer: Near the brain.

Q20. Which hormones are involved in the metamorphosis of insects and frogs?
Answer: Insect hormones.

Q21. Write AIDS in full.
Answer: AIDS: Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.

Q22. What is the legal age for marriage according to the Indian Constitution?
Answer: Minimum age for girls is 18 years, and for boys is 21 years.

Q23. Define adolescence.
Answer: Adolescence – The period of life when reproductive development causes bodily changes, called adolescence. It lasts from 11 to 18 or 19 years. Adolescents are also called teenagers. In girls, this stage starts one or two years earlier than boys and varies among individuals.

Q24. What is menstruation? Describe it.
Answer: Menstruation (Menstrual Cycle) – Menstruation begins at puberty in females and occurs regularly every 28 days throughout reproductive life (excluding pregnancy). During one phase of this cycle, blood flows from the uterus, called menstruation. Sex hormones prepare the uterine wall for egg implantation, and if pregnancy does not occur, the wall breaks down and is discharged. Menstruation usually starts between 10 to 14 years of age and continues until 45-50 years.

Q25. What are sex hormones? Why are they named so? Describe their functions.
Answer: Sex Hormones – Hormones secreted by testes in males and ovaries in females are called sex hormones. They are named because they differ between males and females.
Male sex hormone (testosterone) is secreted by the testes and leads to the growth of facial hair and sperm production.
Female sex hormone (estrogen) is secreted by the ovaries and controls secondary sexual characteristics like breast development and aids in pregnancy.

Q26. What changes occur in the voice at puberty?
Answer: During puberty, boys’ larynx enlarges and protrudes, making their voice deep or hoarse due to the increase in the larynx. Girls do not show such changes in the larynx, and their voice remains thin and melodious due to a smaller larynx.

In this post you have been given very important questions and answers related to class 8 science chapter 10 towards adolescence, question answer class 8 science chapter 10 question answer towards adolescence, question answer class 8 science chapter 7 question answer towards adolescence class 8 question answer towards adolescence class 8 notes. If you find these questions and answers useful, then share them with your friends and if you want to know or ask something regarding this then make sure to ask by commenting below.

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