Age of Industrialisation Important Questions and Answers

Age of Industrialisation Important Questions and Answers

Class 10th History Chapter 4 Questions Answers– Let us tell the students studying in class 10 that you can get the questions and answers of all the chapters of class 10th subjects from our website. By using these questions and answers, you can easily prepare for all the subjects. Therefore, today in this post, the question answers of class 10 Social Science Chapter 4 The Age of Industrialization are given. Read these question answers carefully, it will be beneficial for you. If you like the information given in these questions, then definitely share it with your friends.

Question 1: Which company published a book on music in 1900 AD?
Answer: E.T. Paul Music Company.

Question 2: What was the painting ‘Dawn of the New Century’ (Don of the Century)?
Answer: This painting was published by E.T. Paul Music Company in New York in 1900 on the cover of a new book on music, which was a symbol of modern progress.

Question 3: What is the meaning of the word ‘oriental’?
Answer: The term ‘oriental’ was used by Western nations for Asia. In Western eyes, oriental regions were considered ancient, traditional, and mysterious.

Question 4: What is the meaning of the word ‘etc.’?
Answer: This word indicates the initial or early stage of something.

Question 5: With what do we usually associate industrialization?
Answer: We usually associate industrialization with the development of factories.

Question 6: Who were known as ‘Guilds’?
Answer: In the 17th and 18th centuries, guilds referred to groups of merchants. They trained skilled craftsmen, controlled producers, set competition and prices, and restricted entry of new people into the business.

Question 7: Who is called a ‘stapler’ (textile manufacturing)?
Answer: A person who staples or combs wool according to the threads is called a ‘stapler’.

Question 8: Who is called a ‘fuller’?
Answer: A ‘fuller’ is a person who ‘fulls’ fabric, meaning they gather cloth with the help of pleats.

Question 9: What is carding?
Answer: Carding is the process of preparing fibers such as cotton or wool for spinning.

Question 10: What were the three stages of the cloth production process?
Answer: The three stages of cloth production were (1) carding, (2) spinning, and (3) weaving.

Question 11: When and in which country did the rise of factories first occur?
Answer: The rise of factories first occurred in England in the 1730s.

Question 12: What was the first industry to develop in England?
Answer: The first industry to develop in England was the textile industry.

Question 13: Who first outlined the outline of the cotton textile industry?
Answer: Richard Arkwright did.

Question 14: After the development of the cotton textile industry in England, which industry developed?
Answer: The iron and steel industry did.

Question 15: Who invented the steam engine?
Answer: The steam engine was invented by Newcomen, and improvements were made by James Watt in the steam engines made by Newcomen.

Question 16: Write two reasons why some European industrialists did not like machines in the 19th century.
Answer: (1) Machines were very expensive to buy and maintain.
(2) People preferred handmade products over machine-made products.

Question 17: When and by whom was the spinning jenny invented?
Answer: The spinning jenny was invented by James Hargreaves in 1764.

Question 18: What were the two main ports reaching the edge by the end of the 18th century?
Answer: Surat and Machlipatanam.

Question 19: Which two new ports replaced the old ports of Surat and Hugli?
Answer: Bombay (Mumbai) and Calcutta (Kolkata) did.

Question 20. After gaining political power in Bengal and Karnataka, what rules did the company establish for cotton-producing farmers and weavers?

The company appointed supervisors to control weavers.
The company imposed a ban on farmers selling goods to other buyers.
Question 21. What percentage of India’s total exports in 1811-12 consisted of cotton goods?
Answer: Cotton goods constituted 33% of India’s total exports in 1811-12.

Question 22. Which deity was depicted bringing light from heaven in the Sunlight Soap calendar of 1934?
Answer: Lord Vishnu was depicted bringing light from heaven in the Sunlight Soap calendar of 1934.

Question 23. Where and when was the first textile mill established in India?
Answer: The first textile mill in India was established in Bombay (Mumbai) in 1854.

Question 24. How many steam engines were there in all of England in the 19th century?
Answer: 321.

Question 25. Name two early industrialists of India.
Answer: Dwarkanath Tagore and Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata were early industrialists of India.

Question 26. When and where did J.N. Tata establish India’s first iron and steel plant?
Answer: J.N. Tata established India’s first iron and steel plant in Jamshedpur in 1912.

Question 27. Who was a jobber?
Answer: A person who recruited new workers for industrialists was called a jobber.

Question 28. What specific products of European managerial companies interested them in production?
Answer: These managerial companies were particularly interested in tea, coffee, indigo, jute, and mining production.

Question 29. What impact did the First World War have on India’s industrial production?
Answer: During the First World War, due to increased demand for industrial goods, India’s industrial production also increased.

Question 30. What is a fly shuttle?
Answer: It is a mechanical tool that moves through threads and pulleys, used for weaving.

Question 31. Who established the first jute mill in Calcutta in 1917?
Answer: The first jute mill in Calcutta in 1917 was established by Marwari Seth Hukumchand.

Question 32. Who wrote the book ‘Industrialization of Gangetic Bihar During the Nineteenth Century’?
Answer: J. Krishna Murthy.

Question 33. Where was the first office of the Chamber of Commerce?
Answer: In Madras (Chennai).

Question 34. Who was Dwarkanath Tagore?
Answer: Dwarkanath Tagore was a prominent entrepreneur of Bengal who established six joint-stock companies in the 1830s-40s.

Question 35. Who was Jamshedji Jeejeebhoy?
Answer: Jamshedji Jeejeebhoy was the son of a Parsi weaver. He earned a lot of money trading with China.

Question 36. Where did more than 50% of the laborers working in Bombay’s cotton textile industry in 1911 come from?
Answer: They came from Ratnagiri district near Bombay.

Question 37. Why did English industrialists put pictures of Indian deities on the labels of advertisements? Write two reasons.

Through the pictures of deities, manufacturers tried to show that even God wanted people to buy that thing.
These pictures of deities were also familiar to Indians in foreign things.

Question 38. What message did advertisements made by Indian manufacturers convey?
Answer: When Indian manufacturers made advertisements, they clearly showed a nationalist message. Their meaning was that if you care about the nation, then buy the things made by Indians. These advertisements became the bearers of the nationalist message of Swadeshi.

Question 39. What are two major technological changes in the age of industries?

Factories have emerged.
New industrial labor force has come into existence.

Question 40. Describe the duties of a gumasta under the company.
Answer: Gumastas were salaried employees of the East India Company who monitored weavers, collected goods from them, and checked their quality.

In this post you will find very important questions and answers related to the age of industrialization, question answer Age of Industrialization Notes Class 10 History Chapter 4 Questions and Answers The Age of Industrialization Class 10 Chapter 4 Imp. Questions The Age of Industrialization Quiz. If you find these answers useful, share them with your friends and if you want to know or ask something regarding this then make sure to ask by commenting below.

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