Rise of Nationalism in Europe Important Questions and Answers

Rise of Nationalism in Europe Important Questions and Answers

Many students give 10th exam every year, but many students are not able to get good marks, due to which they also face difficulty in taking further admission. For the students who are studying in 10th class, important questions and answers of the rise of nationalism in Europe have been given here. Which keep coming in the 10th exam. Therefore, these questions will be very beneficial for the students who are studying in 10th class. And many of these questions also keep coming in competition exams. So read the questions given below carefully and prepare for your exam.

Question 1: During the French Revolution, in what form did artists depict independence in their creations?
Answer: In the form of a woman’s figure.

Question 2: Who founded the German Confederation?
Answer: Napoleon.

Question 3: What is an ideal society called?
Answer: A society whose realization is nearly impossible due to its idealistic nature.

Question 4: What is meant by “Republic”?
Answer: A governance system where the public plays a significant role in the formation and operation of the state.

Question 5: In which university did Atto Rene lecture?
Answer: In the University of Sobbone.

Question 6: After the French Revolution, who was handed the power?
Answer: To the French people.

Question 7: Napoleon established what system of governance in France?
Answer: A monarchy system.

Question 8: In what name is the 1804 Civil Code commonly known?
Answer: Known as “Napoleon’s Code.”

Question 9: Who was Giuseppe Mazzini?
Answer: He was a revolutionary of the Italian Republic in the 1830s.

Question 10: Who was the Emperor of France during the French Revolution?
Answer: Louis XVI.

Question 11: Who was known as the “Bismarck of Italy”?
Answer: Count Camillo de Cavour.

Question 12: In the mid-19th century, how many states was Italy divided into?
Answer: Divided into seven states.

Question 13: In the mid-19th century, which was the only kingdom in Italy with Italian royal family rule, its name?
Answer: Piedmont-Sardinia.

Question 14: In which year is 1815 known as Napoleon’s fall year?
Answer: In the year 1815.

Question 15: Which European powers together defeated Napoleon in 1815?
Answer: Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Austria.

Question 16: When was the Vienna Treaty signed?
Answer: In 1815.

Question 17: Napoleon formed which confederation by uniting 39 states?
Answer: The German Confederation.

Question 18: Who founded the Young Italy organization?
Answer: Giuseppe Mazzini.

Question 19: In Europe, what is the age known as the age of revolutions?
Answer: Known as the age of revolutions from 1830 to 1848.

Question 20: When was constitutional monarchy established in France?
Answer: In 1830.

Question 21: Who was the President of the Constitutional Monarchy established in France in 1830?
Answer: Louis Philippe.

Question 22: Who said, “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold”?
Answer: Metternich said.

Question 23: What was the result of the Treaty of Kustunutuniya in 1832?
Answer: It recognized Greece as an independent state.

Question 24: When was the armed uprising against Russia?
Answer: In 1831.

Question 25: Where and where were the Grimm brothers born?
Answer: The Grimm brothers were born in Hanau, Germany.

Question 26: What was the opinion of the Grimm brothers about France?
Answer: The Grimm brothers considered France’s dominance a threat to German culture.

Question 27: In 1845, when did the weavers of Silesia revolt?
Answer: In 1845, the weavers of Silesia rebelled against those contractors who used to take raw materials from them.

Question 28: In which decade did Europe come with heavy difficulties?
Answer: The 1830s.

Question 29: When was the Frankfurt Parliament established?
Answer: On May 18, 1848.

Question 30: How many elected representatives participated in the Frankfurt Parliament?
Answer: 831 representatives participated.

Question 31: What period is known as the era of Germany’s unification?
Answer: The period from 1866 to 1871.

Question 32: When and under whose leadership was the formation of the new German Empire announced?
Answer: On January 18, 1871, under the leadership of King William I.

Question 33: When did the British Parliament take power away from the monarchy?
Answer: In 1688.

Question 34: When was the formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’?
Answer: In 1707.

Question 35: In 1801, which state was included in the United Kingdom?
Answer: Ireland was included.

Question 36: In which two religious groups was Ireland divided?
Answer: Catholic and Protestant.

Question 37: What is the name of the British flag?
Answer: Union Jack.

Question 38: What is the national anthem of Britain?
Answer: ‘God Save the Noble King’ is the national anthem of Britain.

Question 39: Where was the image of Marianne inscribed?
Answer: On coins and postage stamps.

Question 40: When and by whom was the picture of Germany created?
Answer: The picture of Germany was created in 1848 by Philip Veit.

Question 41: In Europe, what was the broken bed a symbol of?
Answer: A symbol of achieving independence.

Question 42: What symbol was seen as the dawn of a new era?
Answer: Rays of the rising sun.

Question 43: What was the symbol of the desire for peace?
Answer: The olive branch wrapped around the sword.

Question 44: After 1871, which region of Europe became the source of serious nationalist tension?
Answer: The Balkans.

Question 45: When did the First World War start?
Answer: In 1914.

Question 46: What was the crown of oak leaves a symbol of?
Answer: Courage.

Question 47: Who was Karl Welcker?
Answer: Karl Welcker was a elected member of the German Frankfurt Parliament, who gave his views to establish the superiority of men over women.

Question 48: Who was Luize Otto-Peters?
Answer: She was a German political activist who started a political feminist movement for women’s equality.

Question 49: Who was Mariyana?
Answer: Mariyana was a fictitious picture created by French artists, who represented the French Republic.

In this post you will find Rise of Nationalism in Europe Questions and Answers, Rise of Nationalism in Europe Question Answer, Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 Notes, Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 PDF, Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 Important Questions, Rise of Nationalism in Europe Question Answer, Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 notes Questions and Answers are given. Apart from this, if you have any question or suggestion, comment below. If you find these questions and answers useful, then definitely share them with others.

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