KVS PGT Geography Solved Paper 2023
केवीएस पीजीटी भूगोल सॉल्वड पेपर – KVS PGT Geography भर्ती की तैयारी करने वाले सभी उम्मीदवारों को एक विशेष विषय की परीक्षा देनी पड़ती है. जैसे की हिंदी, विज्ञान, संस्कृत,भूगोल इत्यादि आज इस पोस्ट में आपको KVS PGT Geography के बारे में पूछे जाने वाले कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उनके उत्तर Solved Paper के रूप में दिए गए हैं जिससे कि आप अपनी परीक्षा की तैयारी अच्छे से कर सकते हैं. यह प्रश्न उत्तर भूगोल से संबंधित हैं. अगर आप KVS PGT Geography से संबंधित प्रश्न उत्तर ढूढ़ रहे हैं तो निचे आपको KVS PGT Geography Solved Paper दिया गया है . इसलिए इन्हें आप अच्छे से याद करे .
Which one of the following branches of geography was mainly developed by Arab geographers?
(A) Oceanography
(B) Astronomy
(C) Climatology
(D) Mathematical Geography
The process of receiving and transmitting of messages, ideas and informations is known as _______.
(A) Transportation
(B) Carriage
(C) Communication
(D) Postage
The concept of food security was modified by whom in India?
(A) Khusro
(B) Swaminathan
(C) Bhatia
(D) Shafi
Wet tropical evergreen forests are found in an area of rainfall?
(A) less than 100 cms
(B) 200 – 300 cms
(C) 100 200 cms
(D) More than 300 cms
The term ‘geography’ was first coined by which one of the following?
(A) Aristotle
(B) Ptolemy
(C) Eratosthenese
(D) Herodotus
The National Commission on Urbanization, launched a Mega City Scheme in which of the following years?
(A) 1991 1992
(B) 1993 1994
(C) 1992 1993
(D) 1994 1995
‘Mohorovicic discontinuity’ is the boundary between:
(A) Crust and Mantle
(B) Inner Core and Outer Core
(C) Mantle and Inner Core
(D) Mantle and Outer Core
Identify the forests where trees do not shed their leaves in a particular season from the following:
(A) Conifereous forests
(B) Hot and dry forests
(C) Temperate deciduous forests
(D) Tropical monsoon forests
Conifereous forests
Who among the following is not a supporter of Environmental Determinism?
(A) Huntington
(B) Carl Sauer
(C) Mackinder
(D) A,C Semple
Who made advancement in the theory of Demographic Transition?
(A) Thompson and Notestein
(B) Zelinskey
(C) E. Ravenstein
(D) Whittlesey
Thompson and Notestein
Identify a personal means of communication from the following:
(A) Newspaper
(B) Radio
(C) Television
(D) E-mail
The convectional current theory of Arther Holms was propounded in which of the decades?
(A) 1920s
(B) 1940s
(C) 1930s
(D) 1950s
Which is normal ‘lapse rate’ of temperature with height in Troposphere?
(A) 10.5 °C/km
(B) 7.8 °C/km
(C) 8.3 °C/km
(D) 6.4 °C/km
Which one of the following disasters is included in a man-made category of disaster?
(A) Ecological
(B) Epidemic
(C) Landslide
(D) Flood
Himalayan ranges in Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram are spread in which one of the following direction?
(A) North-South direction
(B) East-West direction
(C) South-West to North-East direction
(D) North-West to South-East direction
North-South direction
The doubling period of population was 80 years between _________.
(A) 1960 1975
(B) 1850 1930
(C) 1930 1960
(D) 1650 1850
Which one of the following islands is not the neighbour of India?
(A) Maldweep
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Lakshadweep
(D) East Timor
When the primary tributaries of river flow parallel to each other and secondary tributaries join them at right angles, the drainage pattern is known as _______.
(A) Centripetal
(B) Trellis
(C) Radial
(D) Dendritic
Which one of the following is included in a category of wind made disasters?
(A) Flood
(B) Cyclone
(C) Landslide
(D) Epidemic
When the rivers discharge their waters from all directions in a lake or depression, the drainage pattern is known as:
(A) Trellis
(B) Radial
(C) Centripetal
(D) Dendritic
Arrange the given layers of atmosphere from earth’s surfaces to the top most:
(A) Stratosphere
(b) Thermosphere
(d) Mesosphere
(c) Troposphere
(A) (c), (a), (d) and (b)
(B) (c), (d), (v) and (a)
(C) (c), (d), (A) and (b)
(D) (c), (a), (b) and (d)
(c), (a), (d) and (b)
The book ‘Principles of Human Geography’ was written by whom _________.
(A) H.J. Mackinder
(B) A.C Semple
(C) G. Taylor
(D) E. Huntington
‘Stop and go determinism’ was presented by whom of the following?
(A) Tatham
(B) G. Taylor
(C) Humboldt
(D) Jean Brunches