KVS PGT Chemistry Previous year Question Paper Pdf
केवीएस पीजीटी रसायन विज्ञान पिछले साल प्रश्न पत्र पीडीएफ – KVS PGT Chemistry की तैयारी करने के लिए उम्मीदवारों को प्रैक्टिस सेट मॉक टेस्ट ऑनलाइन टेस्ट इत्यादि की जरूरत पड़ेगी. जिससे कि वह अपनी परीक्षा की तैयारी ज्यादा अच्छे से कर पाए. KVS PGT Chemistry की तैयारी करने वाले सभी उम्मीदवारों के लिए इस पोस्ट में kvs pgt chemistry previous papers pdf kvs pgt chemistry model paper दिया गया हैं. यह प्रश्न पहले KVS PGT Chemistry की परीक्षा में आते रहते है. ध्यान से पढिए ,यह आपके लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होंगें .
(B) Silver electrode acts as anode and copper electrode acts as cathode
(C) Silver electrode acts as cathode and copper electrode act as anode
(D) E cell = E left – E right
(B) Addition reaction
(C) Elimination reaction
(D) S Nl reaction
How many molecules of H 2 would be needed to consume 2 mol of CO?
(B) 1.2 x 1024 molecules
(C) 2.4 x 1024 molecules
(D) 4 molecules
(B) Ti3+
(C) Ti4+
(D) Ca2+
(B) Electron affinity
(C) Electronegativity
(D) Atomic radius
(B) π character only
(C) Both π and σ characters
(D) Ionic character
(B) < 1
(C) = 1
(D) > 1
(B) N2O5
(C) NO
(D) N2O
(B) NH3
(C) NH [katex]_{2}^{-}[/katex] (D) NH [katex]_{4}^{+}[/katex]
(B) 6.3 g
(C) 126 g
(D) 530 g
(B) BeSO4
(C) CaSO4
(D) SrSO4
(B) K+, CI–, Mg2+, Sc3+
(C) Na+, Ca2+, Sc3+, F–
(D) K+, Ca2+, Sc3+, Cl–
(B) Nine σ and seven л
(C) Five σ and nine л
(D) Five σ and eight л
(B) Diastereomers
(C) Enantiomers
(D) Mesomers
(B) A catalyst reduces the activation energy between reactants and products provides an alternate reaction
(C) A catalyst mechanism
(D) A catalyst alters the Gibbs energy of a reaction
2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(1)
The stoichiometry tells that the hydrogen and oxygen react to produce water in the mass ratio of:
(B) 21
(C) 4:2
(D) 4 16
(B) Cr3+ and Mn2+
(C) Cr2+ and Fe2+
(D) V2+ and Sc3+
(C) Cr(24)
(B) V(23)
(D) Mn(25) is:
(B) Triamminochlorobromonitro chloro- chloride platinum(IV) chloride
(C) Triamminobromochloronitroplatinum (IV) chloride
(D) Triamminochlorobromonitroplatinum (IV) chloride
(B) Aqueous copper sulphate and ammoniacal silver nitrate
(C) Alkaline sodium potassium tartarate and aqueous copper sulphate
(D) Ammoniacal silver nitrate and aqueous copper sulphate
(B) The value of molal depression constant depends on the nature of solvent
(C) Relative lowering of vapour pressure is a dimensionless quantity
(D) The value of Henry’s constant, KH increases with increase in temperature
(B) ΔG is positive for a non-spontaneous reaction
(C) ΔG is negative for a spontaneous reaction
(D) ΔG is positive for a spontaneous reaction
(B) Mass percentage
(C) Molarity
(D) Mole fraction
(B) 3, 3-Dimethyl-cyclohexanol
(C) 1, 1-Dimethyl-3-cyclohexanol
(D) 1, 1-Dimethyl-3-hydroxy cyclohexane
(B) SO2
(C) NH3
(D) CO2
(C) Coal gas
(B) Producer gas
(D) Natural gas
(B) Lead Sulphite
(C) Lead Sulphate
(D) Lead Sulphide
(B) The gas constant per molecule is known as Boltzmann constant
(C) Molecules of different gases have the same kinetic energy at a given temperature
(D) The product of pressure and volume of a fixed amount of a gas is independent of temperature
(B) SF6 and HF
(C) SF6S and HF
(D) SF2 and HF
CO(g) + 3H2(g) CH4(g) + H2O(g),
if the water vapour is removed from the reaction mixture:
(B) the reaction will move in forward direction and there will be effective increase in the yield of methane.
(C) the reaction will move in forward direction but there will be effective decrease in the yield of methane.
(D) the reaction will move in reverse direction and there will be effective decrease in the yield of methane.
(E°) Zn2+ /ZN=-0.76 V, Na+/Na = – 2.71 V
Mg2+/Mg= – 2.36 V, K+K = − 2.93 V
Which one is the strongest reducing agent?
(C) Na
(B) Zn
(D) Mg
(B) Dilute HCI
(C) Both NaOH and HCI
(D) NaOH solution
(B) ΔG= 0, ΔS = +ve
(C)ΔG= 0, ΔS = -ve
(D) ΔG +ve, ΔS = 0
(B) BeCl2
(D) PbCl2
(B) derived from Haem
(C) a dipyrole pigment
(D) a green pigment containing Mg
(B) Neoprene rubber
(C) Natural rubber
(D) Buna N rubber
(B) 1 mole of glucose and 1 mole of galactose
(C) 1 mole of glucose and 1 mole of fructose
(D) 2 moles of glucose only
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