KVS PGT Chemistry Question Paper 23 Dec 2018 PDF Download
केवीएस पीजीटी रसायन विज्ञान प्रश्न पत्र 23 दिसंबर 2018 पीडीएफ डाउनलोड | KVS PGT Chemistry Question Paper 2018 Download Free PDF –जो विद्यार्थी KVS PGT Chemistry की परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे है ,उन्हें अपनी तैयारी पिछले साल के क्वेश्चन पेपरों को देखकर करनी चाहिए . इसलिए आज हमने इस पोस्ट में केवीएस पीजीटी रसायन विज्ञान क्वेश्चन पेपर दिया गया है .जिसे देखकर आप अपनी तैयारी अच्छे से कर सकते है .और परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक प्राप्त कर सकते है. इसलिए आप इस KVS PGT Chemistry Question Paper 2018 को अच्छे से करे यह आपकी परीक्षा के लिए फायदेमंद होगा . अगर आप KVS PGT Chemistry 23 Dec 2018 Question Paper PDFडाउनलोड करना चाहते है तो नीचे दिए गए लिंक से डाउनलोड कर सकते है
Which statement about isotopes of hydrogen is incorrect?
(A) Enthalpy of vaporization of deuterium is greater than that of hydrogen.
(B) Deuterium is less reactive than hydrogen.
(C) Denisty of tritium amongst all isotopes of hydrogen is maximum.
(D) Deuterium is ẞ particle emitter.
Deuterium is ẞ particle emitter.
Glycerol can be separated from ‘spent-lye in soap Industry’ by using ________technique.
(A) Distillation under reduced pressure
(B) Steam distillation
(C) Differential extraction
(D) Fractional distillation
Distillation under reduced pressure
The General formula for a 3° amine is:
(A) C
n H
2n+1 + N
(B) C
n H
2n + 2 N
(C) C
n H
2n + 3 N
(D) C
n H
2n N
The incorrect statement among the following is:
(A) Physical adsorption is due to van der Waals forces.
(B) Physical adsorption decreases at high temperature and low pressure.
(C) Physical adsorption is reversible.
(D) Adsorption energy for chemical adsorption is generally less than that for physical adsorption.
Adsorption energy for chemical adsorption is generally less than that for physical adsorption.
Which one has highest value of first ionization enthalpy?
(A) N
(B) O
(C) S
(D) P
The decomposition of N2O into N,2 and O in the presence of gaseous argon follows second order kinetics, with
k = ( 5.0 x 1011 L-mol-1 s-1)e-30000/T
Given R 8.3 JK-1 mol-1, the energy of activation of this reaction is:
(A) 249 kJ/mol
(B) 300 kJ/mol
(C) 500 kJ/mo
(D) 830 kJ/mol
For the reaction at 298 K.
2A + B C
ΔH 400 kJ and ΔS = 0.200 kJ/K
Assuming ΔH and ΔS to be constant over the temperature range, the temperature at which the reaction will become spontaneous is:
(A) 1000 K
(B) 2000 K
(C) 3000 K
(D) 2000 °C
The ionization enthalpy of hydrogen atom in its ground state is 13.6 eV. The second ionization enthalpy of helium is closet to:
(A) 6.8 eV
(B) 13.6 eV
(C) 27.2 eV
(D) 54.4 eV
The temperature at which N2 molecules have the same average speed as He atoms at 330 K is:
(A) 480 K
(B) 330 K
(C) 1155 K
(D) 2310 K
16. Which of the following is not a Pyrimidine base?
(A) Adenine
(B) Cytosine
(C) Thymine
(D) Uracil
In which case on heating, N2(g) will not be released?
(A) NH
4 NO
2(B) (NH
2 Cr
7(C) Ba(N
2(D) NH
3 To get n-type semiconductor, the impurity to be added to Si should have the following number of valence electrons:
(A) 1
(C) 3
(B) 2
(D) 5
Which of the following species is not an electrophile?
(A) H
⊕(B) N
2(C) CI
⊕(D) SO
3 The transition that corresponds to the third line of the Balmer series is:
(A) 4 1
(B) 52
(C) 63
(D) 42
Compound A when heated gave two solids B and C and a gas. Compound A was generated when B was treated with H2O2 When C is fused with KOH in the presence of O2 solid B is formed Compound A and solid C are formed when B is treated with aci (D) Identify A, B and (C)
(A) MnO
2, KMnO
4, K
4(B) KMnO
4, K
4, MnO
2(C) KMnO
4, MnO
2, KMnO
4(D) KMnO
4, Mn
3, K
KMnO4, K2MnO4, MnO2
The order of screening effect of electrons of s, p, d and f orbitals of a given shell of an atom on its outer shell electrons is:
(A) s>p>d>f
(B) f>d>p> S
(D) f>p>s> d
(C) p>p>d>f
The co-ordination number of copper in CuSO45H2O is:
(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 2
The bond orders for CN–, CN and CN+ follow the order:
(A) CN
+ > CN > CN
–(B) CN
– > CN > CN
+(C) CN CN
+ > CN
–(D) CN
+> CN
– > CN
A sample of concentrated sulphuric acid is 95% H2SO4 by weight and its density is 1.80 g/ml. The normality of H2SO4 in the sample is:
(A) 17.5
(B) 18.0
(C) 34.9
(D) 35.9
Which one has the highest melting point?
(A) PH
3(B) NH
3(C) ASH
3(D) SbH
3The drug which inhibits the growth or destroy microorganisms is:
(A) Salvarsan
(C) Valium
(B) Iproniazid
(D) Morphine
Which of the following has different hybridiza- about the central atom? tion
3(B) CIO
3(C) NH
3(D) PCI
3 The dipole moment of HBr is 2.60 x 10-30 Cm, and the interatomic spacing is 140 pm. The per cent ionic character of HBr is: (Given e 1.60 × 10-19 C)
(A) 10%
(B) 11.6%
(C) 25%
(D) 16.2%
Identify the incorrect reason for the given statement. Aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions because:
(A) of the partial double bond character between halogen and the aromatic nucleus.
(B) of repulsion of Nu due to the lone pair of electrons on halogen.
(C) of sp2 hybridization of halogen atom
(D) carbon of the aromatic nucleus is not electron deficient.
of sp2 hybridization of halogen atom
State of freezing does not involve:
(A) Loss of kinetic energy
(B) Increased force of attraction
(C) Solidification of liquid
(D) Melting of solid
The first ionisation enthalpies of Na, Mg, Al and Si are in the order:
(A) Na< Mg > Al < Si
(B) Na > Mg > Al > Si
(C) Na < Mg < Al < Si
(D) Na > Mg > Al < Si
The most efficient precipitating agent for a negatively charged suspension is:
3(B) K
4(C) NaOH + HCl
Which of the following will shift the equilibrium of the reaction 1/2 N2 (g) + O2 (g) NO2 (g) + heat to the right?
(A) Decrease in temperature
(B) Increase in volume.
(C) Decrease in O2 concentration
(D) Addition of catalyst
Decrease in temperature
A comound with molecular formula Co(NH3)5Cl3 when treated with AgNO3 (aq) yields 2 moles of AgCl(s) per mole of the complex compound. The number of Cl- ions in the co-ordination sphere is equal to:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. Zero
The vapour pressure of pure liquid solvent A is 0.80 atm. When a non-volatile substance B is added to the solvent, its vapour pressure drops to 0.60 atm. The mole fraction of component B in this solution is:
A. 0.25
B. 0.50
C. 0.60
D. 0.75
An aqueous solution boils at 100.50°C. The freezing point of this solution is (Given: Kb 0.51°C/m, Kf = 1.86°C/m for water):
A. -1.82°C
B. -0.50°C
C. 0.50°C
D. 1.82°C
Which ore cannot be concentrated by froth floatation method?
A. Copper Pyrites
B. Zinc Blende
C. Cinnabar
D. Calamine
Which of the following do not cause acid
4 (g)
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